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I know what you guys are thinking, "Another Snk/Aot story? Really?" Yes, really. Don't ask me why because I'm not sure why either, I just wanted to write an Snk book. I at least hope you guys enjoy.

???'s POV

I quickly run around a corner and hide in a barrel. I hear footsteps and yelling, I stole some food and some old guy and his friends that owned the little store got mad at me. I wait there for a while before I heard the yelling and footsteps disappear. I look at the food in my hands, four apples, two loaves of bread and I managed to get $20 from someone's wallet too. I wrap it all up in some cloth I have and went through the back alleys home.

I run through the doors and saw Keiko. She is only two while I was Eight. Keiko has always been a bit fragile and skinny so I look after her. "Keiko, I got some food. I'll chop the apple, but take some bread." I say giving her one of the bread loaves before walking into the kitchen to chop apple.

Keiko hasn't left our mother's room since she died a month ago. I can barely get enough for the both us now. Even with this much food that I did get we need to make it last at least a week since we don't know how long it will be till I can get a good amount of food like this. Today was a rare day because of the amount I got.

I finish chopping the apple I go into Mum's room and hand Keiko the apple. Mum is still here, neither of us had the guts to take her out of her bed, let alone her house. Keiko Takes the food quickly and starts eating. I start eating my half before we heard the front door being opened. Keiko doesn't move and only looks a bit frightened. I know I most likely won't be able to take down this person head on, so sneak attack it is.

I Quickly go to the kitchen, which was near the front door and climb on one of the shelves like things. I see a male walk in, not being able to see me before I clunch the knife in my hand and launch myself at him. Before I could realise what was happening I was in a lock with my arm behind my back. "Not bad for a brat." I hear how deep his voice is and how deadly he probably was since he managed to get me in this position. "Get your filthy hand off me, sir." I try to speak kindly, but I was more than a bit angry at him for barging in our home.

He chuckled before letting me go, I turn around to face him head-on. "What business do you have with this household?" I ask him, I wasn't the type to trust people. "Oi, ye are Kuchel's Son right?" I nod slowly, how did he know my mother's name? "I'm Kenny, ye uncle. Or at least by blood. I don't care about ye the slight bit. Got it?" I nod for the second time, I was a bit confused, but to be honest I don't think I care about him in the slightest either.

"Where is ya Sister and Mother?" I instantly block the way to Mum's bedroom, "You ain't going to see Keiko, it's my job to look after her and I don't need your help" I state. The way we are going now we might just die of starvation, but I can train myself much better. "Ye sure 'bout that? Ya, look like ye are about as skinny as ye get. Ya might just starve." I instantly glare at him, but to no avail. I sigh and step out of his way, I know I wouldn't be able to change his mind and he was right. I was way more skinny than most of the kids in the underground, and that's saying something. Of course, Keiko was doing better than me since I let her eat more than me.

I know he is going to be shocked about Mum, but I can't do anything to stop him.

~Time Skip~

~Four Years Later~

Keiko's POV

Kenny decided to take Levi and me in.. He was too rough on Levi and made me steal food and money with me. I despise him already. He teaches Levi and I hand to hand every morning from five to Seven before we then go out to steal for an hour or more and then we have to clean his house. We only get a break when we have finished cleaning, which because of Levi and I being the clean freaks we are, takes us until late afternoon. We have more training at Six to Eight and then we have to go to sleep and repeat. Only one day a week are we allowed to go and relax.

I have been saving up money in secret for those days so I can buy stuff for my big brother. Since it's been a month, Levi has gotten in such a healthier state than he was, well as healthy as you can when you live under a huge mass of dirt and stone, blocking the sun and fresh food from the surface. Levi hasn't smiled yet, I always try to get him to be happy, but he just ignores it. I hope he goes back to smiling and laughing.

~Time Skip~

It's been Two years, Six years since our 'Uncle' and I am using that in loose terms, took us in, we left him a year ago. Since our mother has died Levi has smiled only a handful of times. Even as a eight-year-old I managed to help get a house for the two of us. Farlan is living with us, we met him a year ago, the day we ran away from Kenny and we have worked together ever since, we are also the closest of friends and he is like another big brother.

I was currently cleaning our dishes, Levi was currently cleaning his knife and Farlan was talking to some of the people we work with. While I finish up by drying the dishes I had just washed I heard Levi and Farlan talk, not that I really cared about what they were talking about since it would most likely be about money. I quickly put away all the plates, bowls and cutlery before walking into the main room of the house. Not a moment later the door opened to reveal a red-headed girl.

Levi gets up before Farlan and himself start dealing with the issue, but I just start daydreaming. I was snapped out of my daydream quickly when I heard a cry of pain. I look to see some fat dude with blood all over him on the ground outside of our door and the redhead hiding. "Disgusting." I comment, not like anyone paid attention to what I said though. I personally find blood icky. "Don't touch me with your filthy hands." Was all Levi said before they ran off, I sigh as I watch them run. Just one small cut and they are this afraid?

"Big brother, I just cleaned the place... who is this? She is cute! Oh, how about you applogise to me? You did make a mess after all?" Levi looked at me with a 'Seriously' look as I nodded, Farlan laughed at us, being use to it and all the while the redhead girl looked at me with confusion. "Sorry." Was all Levi said before turning to the redhead. "Get out." He stated, his statement short., "Aw, I wanted her to stay! Please? Remember who is in charge here.." I say walking towards the redhead. Farlan laughed and Levi just glared at me. I know what you must be thinking... A eight-Year-old in charge? You got to be kidding me, but no. I am just as strong as my older brother and a lot of people under-estimate me

"Hi, I'm Keiko and this is my big bro Levi and this is Farlan, a close friend. Who may you be?" I was now hugging my knees pretty much, my bum just floating above the ground. "I'm Isabel, I was trying to take this bird up to the surface to fly freely." "What bird," I ask before seeing the bundle of cloth in her arms, "Give it here, we can see whats wrong with it then." She hands the ball of cloth to me and I unwrap it to actually find a little bird.

"Wow, so cute! But when I look at it closer it looks like it might have a broken wing." I state I was almost 100% sure it was a broken wing. "Give the bird back to the girl and let her leave." Farlan said, I turn around and glare the deadly Ackerman glare. "No," I state before turning back to Isabel with a cheery aura. "How about this Isabel? We will help fix the bird up to full health and you can live here with us. Of course you would have to help us and I will have to train you everything you would need to know. Only if you do end up staying of course." I heard Levi and Farlan chuckle before I glared at them again. I'm gettng sick of people under estimating me!!

I could see the excitement in her eyes, it was hard not to see it. "Really?!?! Thank you!!! Thank you!! Thank you!" I laugh at how childish she seems. "How old are you Isabel? Oh and can I call you Issy? It would be much easier." Her eyes light up more if that was even humanly possible before answering. "Oh! I'm thirteen! And yes, you can call me Issy. Can I call you Kei-Chan?" I nod happily with closed eyes.

Isabel has been with us ever since, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we hadn't gotten to know each other. Its been a quick year since then and I can't wait for what will happen next, even if it means I'm going to end up staying underground all my life.

As long as I'm with my friends, I'm alright.

Hope you enjoyed, from here on I hope it'll only get better. See you guys at a later date! Bye!

Word count : 1753

A Story Of Another Time 《Attack On Titan》 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now