Cutest Phase

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A girl with puffed mouth, munching chips was sitting in front of her television set. She ordered her husband

Wife- go and bring me a glass of orange juice(angrily).

Her poor husband instantly stood up and walked towards kitchen to follow his mistress order. After 5 minutes he returned with a glass filled with orange juice and gave it to her. She took a sip of it and spoke

Wife- What the hell?

Husband- what happened Sharon?? Is something wrong in it?? You want something else?? Speak na??

Sharon- Mr. Swayam Shekhawat I wanted a cold orange juice, COLD, C-O-L-D(she spelled it in order to get it into his mind clearly). Got that?

Swayam- but Sharon it's cold only.

Sharon- no its just little cold I want colder. Freezy cold one.

Swayam- yeah!

Okay! Okay!

I get you the cold one sorry a freezy cold one.

He turns his back to her fetching the glass from her hand to bring her a cold glass of orange juice. When she speaks something making him smile a bit.

Sharon- And ya one thing you not suppose to ask me so many questions. I don't like all these things(she said while pouting).

Swayam- okay! I won't.

Swayam then went into the kitchen to fetch a freezy cold glass of orange juice. As he returned he found his wife again frowning, looking at the TV. He gave her, her glass of freezy cold orange juice and asked her the latest reason behind her this frown.

Swayam- hey darling here you go with your freezy cold glass of orange juice.

Sharon- no thanks Swayam I don't want to drink anything.

Swayam took a step back because of her new mood swing. He wanted to curse her but after seeing her condition he could utter only these few words.

Swayam- okay! Never mind. There is not a compulsion of drinking it(he said it cheerfully).

Sharon- hmm...(silently and staring on TV very intently and frowning in between).

Swayam- Sharon...

Are you okay???

I mean what is it... bothering you so much???

Sharon(pointing towards the television set)- see there...

Swayam(looking at TV)- yeah! What there Sharon...???

Sharon- look at tom he is not letting my jerry to steal cheese from refrigerator... he must be so hungry and this tom is not letting him eat... In fact he is making him run so much... now jerry will be more hungry...

Swayam first being shock, he was like how can this be a reason for a frown... it's so lame... so stupid. But to his fate he couldn't say anything then.

Swayam- yeah! Exactly baby, poor jerry... this tom I tell you Sharon if I could have get into this screen then... then... then... ya then I would have ripped off his head... I mean how dare him irritating my jerry.

Sharon- my jerry...

Swayam- yeah1 exactly my jerry...

Sharon- Swayamyyy(stretching the word in the last) jerry is mine, not yours. Got it(angrily).

Swayam(smiling foolishly)- yaa exactly yours...

Sharon- yess...

Swayam- Sharon you sit n watch cartoon I have some work so will be back soon. Ok baby(and he kisses her on her fore head).

The Cutest Phase of Life- Swaron OSWhere stories live. Discover now