New School

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I bolted out the door, slinging my bag over my shoulder and putting a bagel in my mouth. I ran to the bus stop, of course my first day at my

new school and I'm running late. I made it to the bus stop right as the bus pulled up. I jogged up the steps of the bus and look for a place to sit, it seemed

every spot on the bus was 'reserved'. "You can sit here if you want" a guy said sitting in the back of the bus, i smiled at him and made my way to the

back of the bus. Once i sat down and got situated he told me his name was Dustin. "I'm Elizabeth" i said finally catching my breath from the run down

here."That was some run you did back there" he said through fits of laughter, i honestly didn't find it that funny but his laugh was. I stared at him

for awhile before joining him in his little fit of laughter. We ended up talking for the entire bus ride.

By the time we got to school he offered to show me around tomorrow. "That would be great" i said as we walked into the office and got my

schedule. He walked me to where the junior lockers where, surprisingly my locker was only a couple lockers down from his. "The first bell is about to ring

ill walk you to your first class, which is English right?" "Yep, thanks" i said as he walked me to English. Once we got to English he hugged me and said

"See you later in second block" and left. I walked into the classroom and told the teacher my name and asked her where i should sit. "Sit where ever

you want" he said without bothering to look up from his papers. Rude much, i thought to myself as i walked to the back of the classroom and took a

seat in the far left corner.

As i sat down kids started to fill the room, i took out my phone and texted my mom that i had just got in my first class. After that i put my

phone in my pocket and noticed a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes standing in front of me. "Your the new girl right?" she asked. "Yes i am" i

said looking down not wanting to make eye contact. "Then let me give you a little tip" she said while grabbing my arm and pulling me away from my

seat "You don't want to sit there, the popular kids sit there and will flip if they find you sitting there" she sat me down at a seat next to hers "I'm sure

you don't want any trouble on your first day" she said looking at me and raising a eyebrow. "No, of course not. Thanks for helping me out" i said giving

her a genuine smile. "No problem, I'm Mary by the way" she said holding her hand out. "I'm Elizabeth" i said and shook her hand.

Then as if everything went in slow motion a group of kids came in. They walked to the seats i was sitting in before Mary moved me. They all

started there own conversations except for one boy who looked at me and winked then turned around. I felt the blood rush to my face and looked down

not wanting anyone to know i was blushing. He was about 6'1 by the looks of it, had dirty blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, and was well built. He was

hot. I was taken out of my daze by a hand in my face. I turned around to see Mary laughing. "Close your mouth before a fly goes in" she laughed. I

laughed, a little louder than i shouldve and got everyone's attention in the classroom. I turned to the front of the classroom and put my head down being

embarrassed from all the attention. Mary just laughed and turned to the front of the classroom with me, and then the bell rang. The rest of the class

period was just a blur.

RING!! The bell rang, as i got up and got my stuff i bumped into someone, the same someone who winked at me earlier. "Oh sorr- "Its okay

gorgeous" he laughed and smiled "I'm Matthew and you are?" "Elizabeth" i barely whispered. "Well it was nice meeting you ill see you around" he

winked at me and left. I jogged over to Mary who was waiting for me so she could show me where my second block was, we luckily had the same exact

schedule except for last block i would be in French and she would be in Spanish. "Matthews a player just so you know, hes hooked up with every girl in

the school already, sadly even me. He gets in there pants and dumps them the next day. I don't want you to get hurt so i would recommend staying away

from him." Mary said in a dull voice. "Oh" is all i said before we walked into Science class. "Elizabeth, over here" Dustin called across the room patting

a seat next to him. Me and Mary walked over to him and both said are hello's before sitting down.

As i looked around the room, i saw Matthew staring at me with his signature smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and looked the

other way. It didn't really surprise me when Mary said that Matthew is a player, just look at him he could get any girl he wants in a heart beat. I'm going to

be honest deep down in side i was kind of disappointed to know that, that meant that i had a crush on a guy that uses girls a treats them like trash, did i

just admit that i have a crush on Matthew? I've only known him for a few hours but that's all it takes with him i guess. I might have a tiny school girl

crush on him but no matter how bad it gets i will not let myself turn into one of his toys that's for sure.

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