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Mcfuckin pov:

Primcesd and her now boyfriend were swinging on the cieling fan together. It was sad. I thought she and i were engaged, she porposed to me using a toilot seat and everything. She even stalks me every morning!

Any way, I was engulfed with rage.

How dare she cheat no me???????!!?!!!?! I glared angwy at my pet mr winkles

"hewwo??? I think i cen help u"" says a creepy voice as i turn my face to see their ugly face. "primcesd is a meanie bully of mine, she assassinated me and stole my two children a while back."

It was milky, primcesd's biggest rival.

"but wait. If primcesd assassinated you, how are you still alive?" i ask with wonderful tone

"im secretly god." he answers

"oh, makes sense."

Our conversation stopped tgere. What do i even say to the person who promised to help me revenge primcesd.

"whats your name?" he asked "Im the Milky, god of our entire universe. I can only be killed by ont thing. Toilot paper.s"

What the fuck.

"im mcfuckin. I am dating primcesd because of her beauty face."

"but primcesd is ugly." milky said.

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