I finished up my concert and ran backstage, screaming coming from everywhere. My head hurt and I was already losing my voice. Thank god this is the last concert for awhile.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my fans with all my heart. Singing and jumping around is tiring, though. My fans make it so worth it, though. Even though I don't know every single one of them individually.. I knew I could trust them with my life.
"Okay.. Thank you, I'll tell her." My mom said, staring at me with a huge smile. She hung up the phone and jumped a bit. "GUESS WHAT, CARLY." I raised my eyebrow and shrugged. "YOU'VE BEEN INVITED TO GO TO MAGCON IN ATLANTA!" I jumped and covered my mouth. "AS IN THE MAGCON WITH ALL THE SMOKING HOT GUYS?!" She nodded vigorously and I sat down, staring at her. "No thanks, mommy."
"Why not?" She whined, stomping her foot like a 5 year old, not getting their dream toy. "I know you'd have fun.. Plus, it'd open a new audience to your music." I thought about it for a sec.
"When do I leave?" I ask. "Today's only Saturday.. I believe Bart told me you leave next Friday." I nodded. "I'll try it out.. Should be fun."
It was Thursday night and I leave at 10:00 AM tomorrow. I better get a shitload of sleep if I'm flying to Atlanta. It can't be that long of a trip but I'm going all alone. I was told that the boys would pick me up at the airport.
I was thinking too much so I decided to finally go to sleep. I tweeted a "Goodnight, lovelies. MAGCON tomorrow!" Tweet and my twitter was blowing up already. I turned off my phone, turned out the lights and slowly drifted to sleep.
MAGCON should be an adventure concluding there's only 1 other girl there.