Let's Find Others

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"Hand over the journal, Shooting Star." Bipper ordered, holding out one hand, while the other holding the rope.

"Never!" Mable argued. Bipper gave a smirk. He reached out, grabbed the journal, and dropped her. A loud scream was heard, before Mable fell unconscious.

He laughed like a maniac as he opened a portal. "Let's find another universe to destroy." Bipper stepped through the portal, where he was welcomed by a darkened forest.

"Who are you?" Bipper whipped around, trying to find where the voice was coming from. "Answer me, who are you?" They stepped forward. They looked they were a gnome, a much taller gnome, with antlers that looked like tree branches, and a lantern in their hand.

"The name's Bipper." He announced. "Who and what are you?"

"My name is Wirt, but I like the name Beast Wirt. I'm the Beast." Wirt replied.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Beast Wirt. Are you a bad ending as well?" Bipper asked.

Wirt nodded slowly. "Indeed, I am. Are there others like us?"

"Well, we'll never know if we don't explore. Come on, let's find others." Bipper opened another portal. Both boys jumped through, only to find themselves shivering. "W-Why is it s-so cold here?!" Bipper asked through chattering teeth.

"B-B-Because this p-place is made o-of ice!" Wirt answered, looking at his surroundings. "T-There's someone over t-there." Wirt pointed. Bipper followed his finger, he saw a small boy, white bear hat, blond hair, robot-like arm, blue shirt, green bag, and ripped pants. "H-Hello?"

The boy flinched before looking up at the two. "H-Hi..."

"Who a-are you?" Bipper asked, still shivering.

"I-I'm Ice Prince Finn... Or Finn for short..." He stuttered nervously.

"I'm Beast Wirt."

"I-I'm Bipper. I'm guessing its not cold to you." Bipper sniffed.

"No, its not. I figured it was for you. Let's get you out of here..." Finn answered. He began walking past them, Bipper and Wirt soon followed him. The reached the end of the ice cave, Bipper ran out and was touched by the warm sun.

"Warmth!" Bipper yelled happily. He looked behind him, towards the entrance to the cave. The entire mountain was made of ice. "You a bad ending?" Bipper asked Finn.

"Oh, yes, I am..." Finn answered, a bit nervously.

"Nice, we are too." Wirt pat Finn's head.

"Well, we're a group now, what should we call ourselves?" Bipper asked.

"Unlucky Villains?" Wirt suggested.

"Ew, no." Bipper scrunched up his face is disgust.

"Bad End Friends?" Finn suggested.

"That sounds good." Bipper smiled.

"Cool." Wirt agreed.

"There must be others like us, right?" Finn asked.

"Well, we'll never know if we don't explore." Bipper shrugged.

"Let's find others." They said in unison.

~~ A/N ~~

I know its stupid. I'm experiencing writers block with my other stories. I thought this could help me. Stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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