Your Worst Nightmare!

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Your Worst Nightmare

I got into my running position and zoomed off as soon as I heard go. The cold October air was preventing me from sweating. I was catching up to my 13 year-old brother, Gabriel. I am 12 years old. I could see dark red and orange leaves in his thick dark brown hair. My hair is also dark brown and wavy. I could hear a wolf howling in the background. The moon was full in the sky. Suddenly, I tripped! Before I got up, I saw a black piece of plastic with a white skull on it. It seemed as if it were part of something. I picked it up and placed it in the little compartment in my purse. Luckily nothing happened to my blue leggings and orchid colored dress. I guess I should have worn different shoes instead of my flats. When we reached our friend Kevin Corby's house Gabriel teased

"Ha, ha, Melinda! You tripped on your own foot!" but I knew that there was something else. I didn't know what that something else was, but I knew that I wouldn't like it.

After Gabriel rang the doorbell, Kevin's older sister Linda, answered the door.

"Oh, it's you two." she snarled as if we were some kind of germ.

"Kevin, your two little friends Melinda and Gabriel are here!"

Then, a dark green dragon with fangs came down the stairs. Gabriel yelped which made me giggle. Then Kevin took off his mask.

"Hey you guys! I'm glad you came! The haunted house is right behind that door. Have fun!"

He pointed to an old worn out door with fake spiders and webs hanging on it. That door had a lot of memories. I still remember when the Corby's moved in, many years ago. Mrs. Corby had let us paint the old silver door a medium brown. Kevin and Gabriel were going crazy with the paint. Their faces and the door were covered in uneven strokes. I could still see the softer strokes that I had tried to paint over their marks.

When I opened the door, it made a loud screech. We both had to cover our ears from the pain it caused. There before us laid a dark hallway with witch laughs playing over and over again. As we were walking in complete darkness, Gabriel asked

"Where's the fun in this?"

As soon as he said that, two bony feet walked up behind us and placed its long fingers on our shoulders. I felt a freezing a cold breath on my neck. It opened its mouth and I felt a drop of drool trickle down my back. I finely broke the silence

"Who, who -" I was too scared to finish.

"- are you?" Gabriel finished for me. The figure bent down to ear-level and snared

"I'm your worst nightmare!"

As soon as it whispered those dreadful words, it tightened its grip and jerked us back into a pitch black hole that wasn't there before. Somehow, it seemed as if we were flying. Suddenly we fell to the hard cement ground with a big thud. There we met the mysterious figure who was a skeleton, face-to-face. I could see that it wore a necklace with 2 bones on it that made an "x". It seemed as if the skull was missing. Gabriel jumped up and started chasing it, but it had already vanished behind a corner. When he reached the corner where it had vanished, all that was there was a brick wall. I stepped into a tiny damp room, which smelled musty.

"Whoa!" I muttered in amazement. As soon as I spoke I felt a bite on my leg.

"Ouch!" I yelped.

When I looked down, I saw blood oozing out from the sight of the injury on my leg. Next to the bite I saw a spider with its beady eyes staring into mine. I looked at Gabriel as if to plead help. His jaw hung wide in amazement but he managed to sputter out

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