Chapter one: Snow

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Snow was baking cakes in her kitchen when all of the sudden there was a knock at the door. As she rushed to go get it she almost forgot to take the cakes out of the oven.( I feel like you need to know something Snow's village is unique, this is IMPORTANT for many reasons. It is importation because I say so. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. INCLUDING. SNOW. CAN. TURN INTO ADORABLE. KITTYS!!! Now let's get back.) Snow took out the cakes and opened the door. She saw a figure at the door, the figure had a dark blue aura. They had a magical enchantment that made it so Snow couldn't see their face. Snow was about to invite them in but then she felt dizzy,and fainted. The figure caught her and teleported away without anyone seeing her; well one person did and he went home to go prepare for what he was going to do. Let me tell you in advance, it did not go so good. Let's just say he wished he was at home. Sleeping.

(Ps.) I know this is not super long I only wrote this in one day so it is not so good but I have more coming out!!! Until next time.

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