Don't lose that smile <3

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Dear You,

Remember to take the time today to look at yourself in the mirror and stop and stare. I want you to see yourself for who you really are. That person that you look at everyday is not the person I see. I see a beautiful, energetic, caring, sweet, powerful, and loving person. I wish i could help you see just how beautiful and amazing that you really are. You put others before yourself, you help others when they're in need, and what hurts me the most is that you don't see it. Every day from this point on I want you to wake up with a smile on your face and know that no matter what may come that day you will conquer it, you're gonna keep moving forward regardless of what may cross your path. You are in control. So smile and just remember even when you feel down and feel like you're's nowhere near the truth because you're everything to me and you are loved by so many people. I hope you have a wonderful day and just remember you are beautiful and perfectly imperfect. Don't let others tear you down, you're exactly who they want to be. 

Sincerely, Me <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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