💀calling all the monsters!💀

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a phone rings

a hand with a glove comes over it and picks it up.


"HEY! GUESS WHAT NIGHT IT IS!!!" a excited voice says

the black haired girl looks over at a calendar "oh~ where are we going for this fine night hm?"

"theres a new hangout up the road! all are allowed, even hybrids and all. no humans allowed!"

"nice! where should i announce?" she asks


a shadow flies outside to a town near a mountain side. a dark pulse hit the speakers. a voice yells out "CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS! CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS!"

hybrids and supernaturals listen and peak out of their house


a bunch of them cheer and the shadow flies over to a park with a house and a pool. there were dead trees, a broom flying station and a bunch of other park essentials.

inside the house was a living room with a fireplace that ignighted as a red haired demon walked out the fire. next room over was a small shop with potions and other creepy witchy things. there also a bathroom, and a game room.

all the monsters went there. some rode in cars, some on bikes, brooms or horses.

a long blue haired girl howled as her dragon wings and scales dissappered. the moon shone on her and some other people and they grew fur and fangs.

some other demons came out of the fireplace and were showing off their fire skills.

vampires drank plasma juice and talk to eachother

people danced outside

werewolves had fighting compitiotions and showed their skills of hunting by finding jewels and hunting in packs

some witches go on. a broom racing copitionion outside.

a bunch of sirens were singing in the pool as well as swiming around.

some ghosts were possessing people and making them do silly things

the nightmare horses neighed a demonic neigh and ran around as a group.

some little kids played on swings like a little werewolf boy with small patches of fur and baby fangs.

some fairies also came and parties in the fairy house inside. as well as play tricks on the other supernatuals.

the zombies werent interested in brains. only playing the crane games and in VR.

some dark angels and dark elves also came to party and cause chaos.

the dark haired girl met up with a werewolf with stary blue and fur. "heya how do you like this place!"

"its damn awesome! this is the best!"

"we should do this next year!" the werewolf giggled

"yeah!" the dark haired girl rose a glass "TO ALL HALLOWS EVE!"

all of the supernaturals and hybrids cheered, raising glasses "YEAH!!!"

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