Zombie Knights

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Zombie Knights


It was a nice and warm night, the sky was so clear that all the stars in the heavens could be seen. The moon was big like an ever-present god watching the earth and life go by. But there was something amiss this night, like a foul omen hung in the air. ; An omen that could shape the very foundation of life itself. The sounds of moaning and screaming could be heard emanating throughout the air, the sounds of the dead and dying. Theses sounds will forever stay in my mind and in my memories. As I look down these hollowed roads tears threaten to spill down my face as I remember these once happy neighborhoods. I remember all the times I would play in these roads, but now those times are gone and the world we all knew has long since fallen.

As these thoughts pass through my head I am able to hear the moans getting closer and closer, I can hear the fall of their feet on the destroyed road. My legs are begging me to stop they burn with each step I take. My heart is pounding in my ears the wind wiping in my face chilling my skin, I keep pushing myself faster and faster. I knew if I didn't get to my house soon there would be no hope for me no hope for my friends and no future for this earth.

I knew they were getting closer to me the smell of rotting flesh stung my nose and their moans were growing even louder in my ears. I can feel them grabbing at the back of my shirt trying to pull me to the ground and turn me into one of them, I pushed myself even harder trying to outrun them but I knew that I wouldn't last much longer, it would only be a matter of time before my body dropped from exhaustion.

My heart jumped up into my throat when I saw it, my house coming into view. Normally I would feel safe seeing it but now it was a house of nightmares for me. I thought I would never have to come back to where it all started for me, but there was something I needed from that house something that held a lot of value for me.

The house look different to me somehow the once blue paint now looks faded and worn. The windows that once looked unbreakable now broken or bloody. I knew from the site of it that this is not my home anymore, but a house that held nightmares and sadness for me.

I rush through the door and close it behind me, I pull my mother's bookshelf in front of the door.

“There that should buy me some time to get what I need.” I said with false hope knowing that those things could tear down the door soon.

I knew I should be running but I couldn't help myself I stopped and looked around at the place I once called home. The place was destroyed the couch was flipped over and torn up; the windows were broken out and bloody. The blood that coated the windows that were intact was already dry. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sounds of pounding they had gotten to the door sooner than I thought.

I made my way down the hallway of this dark house, the wall spattered with dry blood, the photos that once hung on the walls were on the floor, broken glass covered the floor. I moved slowly down the hallway glass crunching under my feet. I was unsure if there were any of them in here, so I had to move carefully. As I move down the hallway I notice that the other doors were closed.

“How strange why are they closed, they should be open.” I whisper to myself, the doors are normally open when no one is home but I still wasn't sure if they were here.

I had to move down to the end of the hallway, but I decide to leave the door close it was better not to know what was on the other side. I can still hear the pounding at the front door; from the sound of it I would have to say there was at least three of them out there. I keep moving my head side-to-side and looking back to make sure that I am alone in this hallway. In this past week since the incident happened I have learned to trust my feelings, to trust my instincts, when I felt that I was being watched it meant I probably was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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