Start (Tony Stark)

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(Y/H/C)- Your hair color                       (Y/F/N)- Your full name 

(Y/H/L)- Your hair length 

(Y/E/C)- Your eye color 

(Y/H)-Your height 

(Y/N)- your name

You were a technician working for SHIELD before you had met Tony. You had heard a lot of crap about him and didn't want to be anywhere near the egotistical maniac. Of course, why would the world work in your favor? SHIELD needed an agent working alongside the Avengers as a sort of Ambassador for them. The day you were sent over was the day that would start a whole new side of your life. The rain was pounding against the windshield of the cab, in the back next to your quaking self was your luggage. It wasn't that you were afraid of what was about to come. You were just nervous about what you were going to say. It wasn't exactly a planned move, since Tony Stark didn't want any agents there unless necessary. The cab stopped across the street of the gigantic building and driver looked back at you. You quickly paid the man and got out with your luggage. The ran pelted your (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) as you tried crossing the street that was flowing with rain water. The streetlights cast an eerie glow across the whole street. You approached the the glass doors and entered awkwardly, as soon as you entered a voice came over you and you searched out the source. 

"May I help you?" The male voice questioned you.

"I'm here to speak with the Avengers." You spoke confidently while squaring your shoulders. 

"One moment." There was a pause. "Mr. Stark would like to know your name." 

"My name is (Y/N), I am an agent from SHIELD." You replied to the voice. 

The silence enveloped the room, apart from the rain pummeling the pavement outside. You were hopeful you would not have to stand out in that again. Just as if the thought of standing in the rain was discomforting, thunder echoed across the New York sky just to confirm your discomfort. You took this time to look around the big lobby. In front of you there was a granite wall with the Avengers "A" on it. To the left of  this granite was a hall that led somewhere and another to the right and on either side of the room was big white couches. Somewhere in the room the familiar ding of the elevator rung through the room. You turned to the sound and was faced with him. He stood there in a black shirt and jeans. You quickly observed the small details. The glasses on the bridge of his nose shielded brown eyes that held no amusement at all. He quickly ran a hand through his hair and nodded. 

"Your name is (Y/N)." He more like stated and you nodded in confirmation. He huffed then waved for you to follow. 

"Thank you, Mr. Stark, I-" 

"Yeah, I don't care. The only reason I am taking you in right now is because I would rather you not sleep on the couches in the lobby." He quickly stated while calling the elevator down. "Tomorrow you will be gone, so don't get comfortable." 

You all of a sudden felt disconcerted by this sudden statement. The elevator ride was silent and awkward. You had been so hopeful for this to go well, and so far it had become a waste of money and time. Once you had both reached the floor he had wanted to go to, he stepped out and strode forward quickly. "Mr. Stark," you called out to him and he stopped. "I know this is a waste of your time...and mine. But I was told to not to take 'No' for an answer."  

He slowly turned back to you again and looked you over quickly. "I guess you'll have to make an acception. Come on, keep up, your room is over here." He walked over to a room in a hall that was next to two other doors. "You have a bathroom, hall closet, and your room. As soon as you wake in the morning, you will be heading right back to SHIELD." 

**********time skip a couple hours**********

You were unable to go to sleep, so you decided to go into the living room and watch the rain from the glass walls. You were too focused on the rain, that you never heard the elevator open. You sat there, watching lightning crack across the sky like a pure white and blue whip. Thunder soon followed the lightning and echoed through you. "I guess since you're already awake then you can leave now." 

You jolted around and faced his glaring brown eyes. All of your senses screamed at you to stand up, but everything was numb. He looked down at his thermos of what you assumed was coffee and sighed. "SHIELD has an issue of giving me things I didn't really ask for." There it was again, the statement that you were not wanted. 

"If you want me to go ahead and leave, then it won't take me but a minute." Somehow compromising and tucking your tail was the only thing that came to mind.

"You didn't let me finish, (Y/N). " He paused and stirred his thermos. "But, I guess they heard me for once and sent something I actually asked for." 

"You mean?" All of a sudden you felt a slight amount of hope. 

"You will be given a test run for a couple weeks first, and if you live up to what your SHIELD file tells me then you will be a permanent addition to us."  He confirmed your hopes in that one sentence and turned to leave you smiling giddily. "I hope this news might let you sleep easier now. Goodnight, (Y/N)." he said while rounding the corner to the elevator. 

"Goodnight, Mr. Stark. " You replied back and his head suddenly popped back around the corner. 

"Stop that." he frowned like a child. "Tony. Call me that when we are here." He then returned his head back around the corner and you looked happily out the window at the calming storm. "Oh!" 

You jolted again at his sudden intrusion. "Sorry...Tomorrow you'll be meeting the others so, try not to act all business around them. Just act like you would at home." He informed.

"I will be sure to remember that. Goodnight, Tony." You grinned. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." 

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