Episode 1

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Knowledge: No, your wrong. You both are! The Multiverse, the world, the islands, they aren't everything. Existence was created way before any of it. In fact, there have been several exsistances! But there is one person who created it. In fact, it's person you happen to despise.
Knowledge (embarrassed):Forgive me, My name is Knowledge! And your names are... Delilah and Rose-? or they call you Elita and Elise?
Knowledge: Orenda is not her name, nor is Mary.
Elita: What is her name then
Knowledge: Imagination

Flash back
Mystical sounds
Imagination (laughing) : Know! You should be original, think outside of the book!
Knowledge: Yeah, yeah sis.
Imagination: I can teach you!
Knowledge: Your going to TEACH me how to be creative?
Knowledge: Well, you can teach me how to make a shelter
End of flashback

Imagination: All existence will come to die! I curse the one who made it! For it is worthless and without cause! All it brings is pain
Emotion: Image! You must remember
Imagination (jealous): Who is this image you speak of?
Emotion: You! It is you! Or it was you! Please! Image! Remember! your going to hurt yourself!
Imagination: he only person I'll be hurting is the idiot who created this monstrosity
Emotion: You are that idiot! ER- I mean you aren't an idiot but-
IMagination (angry): Enough!
Imagination (sorrowfully): I just want it to go away. I just want the pain to disappear! Can't you see that?
Emotion: My darling, come with me! It shouldn't have to be this way!
Imagination (pitifully): Your right...it shouldn't... but it does
Emotion: My love! Unless you remember you will surely die as well!
Imagination (frustrated): Ezekiel-
Imagination (realization): No- that's not right... Emotion-....E...
Popping sounds (black roses appearing)
Imagination: wow
Emotion: "It's stunning, isn't it?
Imagination: yeah
Emotion (relief) : My- Gin...oh it's been so long since I've been able to talk to the real you!
Imagination: I'm not me yet. I don't quite remember everything. E, i'm sorry
Emotion (comforting): You don't have to be! It's alright now
Emotion (overcome with his namesake): Please don't leave again
Imagination: I wish i didn't have to-
Emotion (faking being ok): But it must be done
Emotion (determined): Don't worry, my love, I will always find you! Every existence you create, I'll be there with you
Imagination: While I am touched by your words, I am afraid that I must ask you a favor...
Emotion (desperate): What is it my love? I'll do anything
Imagination: wait for me, im coming home
Darkness encloses them.

B-story line
Imagination: why are we mistreating our people, father?
King: Because, Princess, we are worth far more than them
Imagination: No we are not! What do we have that they don't
King: a title, now how about you quit this silly game and enjoy your mansion.
Imagination: How can i enjoy something that i know was built by unfairly treated workers?
King: That's enough Princess!
Imagination: Oh? It is? So you're going to change the rules then?
King: No! I meant that's enough from you! Now as i said. Go. Enjoy. Your Mansion.
Imagination: No!
Lighting strikes along with thunder.
Imagination (in slight pain): Ow!
King: You-Your a rebel now?! Your hair! Your eyes!
Imagination: You know what? I am! If this is how you are going to treat our subjects then i am no longer named Princess! My name is now Rebelenza! And I will fight for our subjects to be treated fairly!
King: So be it!
Imagination: Indeed!

C- storyline
Layana: What up?
Layana: What's wrong kitty
Kitty: Daisy is sleeping
Layana (Excitedly): OOh i want to meet her
Kitty: shhhh!
Layana (embarrassed): OOps, sorry
Kitty: follow me
Daisy: *sleeping sounds*
Layana: Oh she's not asleep
Kitty: what are you-
Daisy: *Baby awake sounds*
Kitty: How'd you know
Layana: I could sense it
Kitty: ha ha, it seems to me you know more about my kid than I do!
Blaze (Nervously) : Seems like, Kitty, can I see you in the kitchen
Blaze: Daisy isn't your kid
Kitty: Wow, ok, what are you taking, cuz i want some
Blaze: Ha ha very funny. We both know you and Drew were never that close. You just weren't trying to hurt Layana's feelings!
Kitty: Shut up! Ok! What gives you the right to say something like that?
Blaze: Because Layana was going to have my- our child. And-
Kitty: WHAT?
Blaze; SHut Up! Anyways, we were cursed by you-know-who
Kitty: OOh! Does she know she's his sister-
Blaze: no! And that's how it's going to stay! And now we can't have our child. Then somehow you magically became pregnant? (smirking tone) Tell me-kitty- what was your excuse for drew? IS that why we haven't seen him lately?
Kitty: SHUT UP!
(From the other room
Layana: shhh, quiet now elise, it's alright)
Blaze: Quiet now, don't want to wake my Elise
Kitty: Her name is Daisy!
Blaze: no it isn't, it's Elise
Blaze (threateningly): got it?
Kitty: you can't just change the name of my kid!
Blaze (cocky tone): but i can change the name of mine!
Kitty: Well-
Layana: You guys alright in here?
Kitty: blaze just said-
Blaze: Layana, i was just bidding a good night to our good friend kitty
Layana: Blaze? You never call me-
Blaze: farewell kitty!
Blaze (soft tone): Farewell my elise
Layana: Your elise? So you accept the name I-
Blaze: Let us not dwell on the past Layana!
Layana: But-
*door slams*
Elita: what was that? I have to tell elise!

Storyline A (cont.)
(everything is frozen, restored to a flat plain, annabel and cerin are still huddled together and blaze reaching out to layana, basically all in the positions they were in before the darkness engulfed them. There are no humans nor the sisters, only the main cast. Imagination stands in front of emotion)
Image: i never meant to make it such a mess
(imagination hugs him, though he doesn't move.)
Image: i never thought that it would go this far!
(Emotion poofs out of existence)
Image: so i just stand here sorry, searching for something to say
Image looks to layana
Image: something to say
Image (broken): words fail, words fail. There's nothing i can say. I guess i thought i could be part of this. I never had this kind of thing before! I never had the dad that stuck it up. No games of catch or baseball gloves (looks to fire) No mom who was there because mom was all that she had to be! That's not a worthy explanation i knoooow there is none! Nothing can make sense of all these things i've done! Words fail! Words! Fail! There's nothing i can say! Except sometimes you see everything you wanted. And sometimes you see everything you wish you had and it's right there! Right there Right there! In front of you. And you want to believe it's true. So you make it true. And you think, maybe, everybody wants it. Needs it? A little bit...too.
(a portal opens)
Image: this was just a sad invention, it wasn't real, i know. But we were happy, i guess i couldn't let that go. I guess i couldn't give that up! (she's walking towards the portal) i guess i wanted to believe, cuz if i just believe! Then i don't have to see... what's really there (dramatic showing of the void)
Image: (steps through portal and begins to walk more confidently until breaking out into a run as she sings) No i'd rather pretend im something other than these broken parts (looks at self and her burnt-up black hair turns to be her natural black hair) Pretend im something other than this mess that i am! (her rebel outfit returns) cuz then i don't have to look at it (slows) (still smiling, though painfully) and no one gets to look at it! No! NO one can really see (she walks, and holds one arm) cuz i've learned to slam on the brakes! Before i even turn the key! Before i make the mistake! Before i lead with the worst of me! I never let them see (mirror appears) The worst of me! (looks in mirror, she has the scar from the lightning and the burnt hair, black eyes) Cuz' what if everyone saw? (in the mirror she sees Emotion, knowledge, and the lost souls backing away from her) what if everyone knew? (Emotion and knowledge are looking shocked) Would they like what they saw.? (rose color shows up and sees emotion and knowledge hugging her) Or would they...hate it too?( the rose color disappears and emotion and knowledge lead the lost souls away from her and they all become lost souls.) will i keep running away from what's true? (the garden being destroyed replays) all i ever do is run! (shows leaving the island of light) So how do i step into the sun? (Shows the lost souls, emotion, and knowledge stepping onto the island, and her hesitating)step into the sun? (shows emotion holding his hand out to her, helping her onto the island, vision ends)
Image keeps walking, seeing the lost souls, knowledge, and Emotion walking towards the island

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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