Chapter 1
A bad time to introduce your girlfriend to your parents
The night was dark and the air was crisp. Owls screeched in the distance. As a cloud of smoke covered the bright white moon. The thick dark smoke lead to a smashed car. Signrems screamed in the distance as they made there way toward the burning car barely hanging on to the road. The once clear road was covered with pieces of glass, metal, a dead deer, and blood. Police cars, fire trucks, and an ambulance raced to the scene. While three teenagers and a 34 year old man lay trapped in the car. The fire trucks quickly put the fire out and gently, slowly, pulled the kids and man out. One of the teens were dead along with the old man. As the others two were rushed to the hospital. Hours went by and the police called all of the teens families and the old man's son. They told jarred's family(the boy that died) and the old man's son that they had died. It made a sickening impact on everyone including keith and james' familys. Keith and james were the other two boys in the car.
Soon keith's family showed then james'. News spread as the two critical conditioned boys slowly woke from there traumatic experience. Keith finally woke with his head hurting his stomach aching and his body shaking with pain. Keith felt weak, sore, scared, and confused. His throat was dry as he tried to speak. "H....hel...hello" keith said barely opening an eye. Soon the nurse came in. "hello young man how are you feeling? Can i get you anything before i send in your family" she asked.
"A....a.gla...a glass...of water.....please" keith asked faintly. "Sure thing i'll be right back" the nurse said and left. A few minutes latter keith's family came in. his mother rushed to his side as his father stood in the doorway and his best friend sat in the chair in front of his bed. "How ya feeling honey" keith's mother asked in tears. "Mmmmhh mom" keith moaned in pain as she was on his leg. "Oh sorry honey" his mother said and got off his leg. "How ya feeling son" keith's father asked. But his father never called his son unless something was wrong. "You've never.....called's.......wrong" keith said faintly. Suddenly the nurse came in and set the glass of water down on the table. Then she left. Keith's father struggled to talk. "Ummmmh jared he.....well he....." keith's father began. Keith waited for his answer. "He and james' father are dead" his father said. The words "are dead" echoed through keith's mind. Keith straightened himself in his bed. "Hows james and shara" keith asked taking a drink of the water.
Keith's father raised an eyebrow. "shara who's shara" his father asked. Keith swallowed hard. "She's my girlfriend" keith answered and blushed. "She wasn't in the car" keith's mother said. Keith's eyes had a hint of fear and worry in them. "Jason" keith said. "Who" his sister asked. Just as was about to answer the nurse came in and said "james is a wake do you want to see him". "Yes" keith answered. The nurse brought him a wheelchair and she brought him into james' room. James looked bad he had cuts and bruises all over his face and arms. He had a broken arm finger and leg. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.
"Man you look bad" keith said. "Not as bad as you" james said in pain. "They have shara" keith suddenly said. "Who? Jason?" james asked. "Yeah he has her. And i believe he was behind this car crash" keith said.
"Have you heard about jared and your father" keith asked suddenly. "What do you mean" james asked. "You don't know" keith asked. "Know about what. Dude you're scaring me" james said. "Ther.....there dead james" keith said. "There dead?" james said. "Your joking with me right" james asked almost in tears. "no he killed them" keith said. James laid back in his bed. "There dead.....he's dead" james said in tears. "He killed my dad....he killed him" james kept saying.
Keith went to the side of james' bed and hugged james. "He killed them....he killed them" james cried. "I know....i know" keith said holding james in his arms and he slowly rocked. They both had tears running down their faces as their hearts ached in pain and anger.
the half blood and the other dimension
Actionkeith's now a grandfather. but the question that remain's is what did allura's father mean when he said "when you feel peaceful then that's when your work is done. you've done what you had to do and now it's time to let go"