Hidden Promises: WYWG#1

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   ...Dearly beloved,     

            There's not a day goes by, that I'm not reminded of you not being here. But two weeks is all I have to wait for you to come home. Just two weeks and you're all mine.  

        The other day other day as your mother and ll0 were putting the tree up, I thought of our first Christmas together. The sweet memories of baking and unwrapping presents together ran through my mind constantly. how I miss those days.

           I can't wait for you to see your surprise, I know you'll cherish it for the rest of your life. I love and miss you so much sweetheart.           

              all my love,                                                                                   Natalie

      I folded the letter and gently stuck it in the envolope along with a picture of us. Placing it on the desk, I looked out the window to see the ground blanketed in the pure December snow. Relishing in the memories of our first Christmas.

       ..."Grams? where are you?" I shouted through the house while running from room to room. "Grams" I shouted looking in her bathroom again. " I'm in the kitchen" I heard her comforting voice reply causing waves of relief to surround me. I sped down the stairs quickly to find her pulling the turkey from the oven.

      "Does this look okay" I asked, running my hands down my white camisole and dark jeans. Placing the hot pan on the counter, she turned to take in my appearance. my long blond hair was done up in curls, and I wore light makeup around my eyes causing them to pop. " honey you look beautiful" she assured me with a smile.       "really, cause he's gonna be here soon and I wanna make sure I look good and I really wanna this night to go well and all of us to have a great tim..." cutting me off, she placed her hands on my shoulders. "honey, everything will be fine! just breathe" she repeated.  Nodding my head, I filled my lungs with air. stepping over to the cabinets, I took out silverware and began to set the table.

         After a while the bell rang. ding-dong it sang, causing me to jump in joy. Racing to the door, I paused, running my hands through my hair before slowly opening the door. my heart began to thump loudly in my chest when my eyes meet his.        His blue eyes were shining brightly, while they travelled over my body. "Merry Christmas" his voice sounded caressing my ears like silk. Leaning forward, he placed his lips over mine. They were like rose petals and combined with the feel of his rough hand cupping my cheek, created total bliss.

        Tingles radiated throughout my body at his touch. "hello Ryan" Gran spoke causing us to break apart. Clearing his throat, he replied. "nice to meet you Mrs. Farrell" " please call me Sarah, dinners ready when you two are" she said walking away while giving me a wink.I felt the blood rush to my cheeks in embarrassment as Ryan began to laugh. "I hope you're hungry, cause she's been cooking all day" I watched a smile edged into his face at the mention of food.      "Do you really have to ask that question?" I laughed while I pulled him into the dinning room. Sitting at the table beside Gran, Ryan sat across from me. "Lets say grace" joining hands we bowed our heads. "Dear heavenly father thank you for this food we are about to injest. thank you for bring a wonderful young man into our house this christmas eve..." as the words left her lips, Ryan and I looked up and smiled at each other. "in Jesus name Amen""Amen" Ryan and I sang in unison, before releasing eachothers hand.      "Eat as much as you like" Gran told him, while placing food on her plate. "So Ryan tell me about yourself" grabbing my cup of tea, I took a sip. " Well my dads in the military, so throughout my whole life we've been moving. Growing up, it was pretty much my mom and my twin brother and I"

        I didn't know he had a twin, but I knew he had a brother. "oh, you have a twin, that's really interesting. Are you identical?" Gran questioned. "Yes we are, well except for our eyes that is""whatever do you mean?" Taking  a gulp from his drink he continued. "He was born with green eyes and I was born with blue. Nobody can explain it but thats how we are. so we look exactly alike except for our eyes."  

        "that's is really interesting" she replied before pushing her plate away. "Well I'll leave you to, to finish." looking at me she smiled. "I'll be back later" turning she left."She likes you" I told him before standing and taking dishes to the ajoined kitchen. Setting them in the sink I turned to see him standing behind me. Leaning against the counter, I smiled.

      "That's a good thing right?" he asked smirking. Moving, he placed his arms at my side. "Its a very good thing" Placing my lips against his, I gave him a brief kiss. "I have something for you" I said moving out of his embrace. Walking into the livingroom, I pulled the present with his name out from under the tree.       "Merry Christmas" I told him while handing him the gift. "You didn't have to get me anything" he spoke while smiling. "But I did get you something" pulling a small box out of his pocket he handed to me."I've been holding this for two weeks now and before you open it, can we go for a walk" he asked while I nodded.        Grabbing my coat off the couch, I pulled it on. Taking Ryan's hand, we walked outside into a winter wonderland. the moon cast soft beams of light, giving the illusion of glowing snow. It was breathtaking. When we arrived to the bench by the pond, we sat down. "So before you open it, I just wanted to tell you that, it may seem alittle much but I feel like with us its perfect." he spoke while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Can I open it" I asked questionly as I watched the smile sudden on his face.

     "Yes you can open it" he said between soft laughs making me blush. Removing the thin gold ribbon, I opened the box to find a silver necklace, with a diamond heart hanging freely on it. I gasped as I saw its beauty.  "Ryan" I said exasperated, while he picked it up and brought it to my neck to secure it. "I know you may think I spent a lot on it, but with you it doesn't matter. Natalie, I've given you my heart alittle while back without even realizing it until two weeks ago when I saw this. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you Natalie Farrell. and I know we're to young now but one day I want to call you my wife and this a promise that I will in the future if you will have me" he spoke softly as tears glissend down my cheeks. "I love you too, and you've held my heart since I layed eyes on you" I told him before bring his lips to mine in a passionate kiss...

      I was brought out of the flashback as small cries sounded throughout the house. Smiling to myself, I walked the few steps to the adjacent bedroom. Opening the door slowly, I caught glimpses of tiny arms frailing in the air. crossing over to the crib, I watched the scrunched up face of my little girl cry. "shh, mommy's here" I coed softly. She instantly calmed when her bright blue eyes meet mine. She had inherited them from Ryan, well she got everything from Ryan, except for her rosey cheeks which came from me. Everytime I looked at her, I felt like I was seeing the fulfillment of that promise we had made long ago.

      Smiling to myself, I lifting her from the crib. I placed her gently against my chest as she snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. Rubbing small circles I began to sing Ryan and I's song to her gently. "So don't act like its a bad thing to fall inlove with me, cause you might look around and find that your dreams come true with me. spent all your time and ya money just to find out that my love was free. so don't act like its a bad thing to fall involve with me..." Within seconds of finishing the song she was out again.

     placing her back in the crib, I moved her hair away from her face. "Don't worry angel, Daddy will be home soon" I whispered before leaving the room silently. 'and I know he'll love you' I thought to myself as I went to my bedroom. Pulling one of Ryan's t-shirts from the drawer, I put it on before snuggling into bed.

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