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1. No characters that are overly powered, they can be powerful but they must have some kind of weakness or weaknesses.

2. Don't bully while ooc, your character can bully other characters in the rp all they want, that's their personality, don't want to take that from them.

3. Lets keep this interesting, try to keep your responses to a minimum of 3 sentences, this way it won't turn into 1 or 2 word responses

4. Depending on the rp you may ask the current rpers if you can join and make it a group rp but they must agree to it first.

5. If someone has shown interest in the scenario and no one has said anything to them you may ask to rp that with them.

6. There is no specific theme to this book, if you want to suggest a rp or theme for one go right ahead, this includes characters.

7. Due to the inconsistency of the rps if you are to use an oc in one of them, when saying which rp you will want to use, either say a short summary of character or make a forum on something else and direct us to where it may be.

Say I agree below and you may continue, if you want to suggest something, post it in replies under your 'I agree' comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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