Why Mornings Matter

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Life is nice when you feel able to make great decisions everyday. Moving things forward within your work and relational life. On the other side of the coin, it can also feel slow and stagnant when that isn't happening. When you are not doing the best you can for the people you work and relate with. A lot of things affect which side of the rails you find your life on. But one of the major ones is how you treat your mornings. In this book, I share some basic tips that will help you shape your morning routine so you can be more productive in your day. My hope is that it will help you live more fully by enjoying every morning you have from now on.

+Why mornings matter.

When 100 meter sprinters are being trained, they go through a variety of exercises. Push ups so they can better control their direction while running, sit ups to strengthen their body center and leg weights to push calf muscles for extra performance. All this comes together to make the athlete capable of running  a hundred meters in under 12 seconds. That is the equivalent of leaping over the length of one and a half adult males every second.

They also go through starting block training. Where running coaches spend hours and hours helping their students perfect their launch technique. How to position their bodies the right way so they can get the best beginning possible in the race. Coaches do this because they know that getting the right momentum at the start of a race is a set up for success later on.

Every day is like a sprint. You begin your day on the starting block. Your morning routine. And having a solid morning routine gives you the boost you need to be successful through the entire day. Likewise, a poorly managed morning routine is a recipe for stress, unfulfilled goals and fatigue. 

That is the place I found myself in many times in my life. From boarding school and even in my work life. But over the past two years, after lots of learning, I now have a control over my mornings that I did not before. This book is a collection of the simple wisdom I have gained as my morning got more successful.

I know that because you are reading this, you are looking for ways to improve your morning and be more successful.  That is the important first step. Realising that you can make your life better. The next pages are all about how to maximise your mornings so you can maximise your day. Because having a great morning gives you the momentum to do more in the day.

This book is meant to guide you as you develop a morning ritual that leads you to daily success.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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