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It all started on June 10,1975 Jill is 15 years old. "Mother when will super be ready" asked Jill "sweetie I know your hungry but today there will be no super were low on money barely can afford a dollar" replied Jill's mother. Upset yet surprised Jill goes into the kitchen to do her home work. "So otherwise the fact that your hungry. How was school honey?" "Mother it's been hard still now can you leave me alone for now because I really am frustrated at the fact I can't eat and all that school mostly has is mold on everything!" Shouts Jill. "Sorry mom I'm really stressed out." "It's okay." Reply's Jill's mother. So that night Jill kept doing her home work she's very exhausted and depressed that all day at school is mean girls and nasty food. So that morning Jill gets dropped of at school in a broken down car. "Have a good day!" Says her mother. "okay mom" Jill says while feeling embarrassed. Jill goes to the gym for the assembly. Rena and her friends Katy and Alex sit down right next to Jill. "Look guys the total loner" says Rena. Jill dose not hear Rena's comment. "Hey chip nut!" Rena says. They call Jill that because after Jill fell outside in 5th grade her tooth was chipped and Jill's mom didn't have enough money to get it fixed. Jill runs in the girls bathroom and starts crying. "Guys I think the big baby started crying again." Rena, Alex and Katy goes to the bathroom where Jill ran in. "Come out! Come out! Where ever you are!" Jill hides behind the door and runs out the bathroom quickly while lock the door from the outside. Locking the three girls in the ?bathroom. After five minutes Alex notices that nobody but them are in the bathroom. "Guys I'm sure it's only is here" Alex says. "I'm sure I saw her in here though!" Katy shouts loudly. "Guys let's just go back to the assembly" Rena suggested. The girls attempts to open the door but it's locked. "ugh this is so not cool!" Rena says to Alex. "well I feel pretty cold so..." Katy tells the girls. "Katy shut up already!" Katy was that one stupid girl in the group. So after the assembly Jill is about to unlock the bathroom quietly until she bumps into Jack. "Oh my!" Jill loudly says. "I'm so sorry!" Jack tells Jill. Jack is the most popular guy in school and Jill secretly has a crush on him. But one thing in the way is Rena. So Jack helps Jill pick up her books. While that's happening Katy picks the lock from the inside and Rena doesn't believe what she has seen. Rena comes up to Jack and says "what are you doing..!?" "Rena I'm just helping Jill pick up her books." Says Jack "well let me help you with that." Rena pours hot chocolate all over Jill. "Whats your problem?" Ask Jack. "Nothing." Jack picks Jill up and wraps Jill in his sweater. Rena very surprised screams "ugh how could you do this!" Jack ignores Rena. "Jill can you tell me why she hates you so much?" "No, sadly" "well hope you and her work it out"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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