
17 4 3

*insert name* has just added you.


"Hi, who is this?"

"It's * insert name*"
" *insert name* told me to add you "

"I don't believe you "

*Insert name* sent you a picture

He sends me a picture of himself. It really is him. I smile, he put a funny filter over the picture.

"Sorry I had to make sure it was actually you,you gotta be careful out here."

Why did I say that. I get nervous.why would he add me?why would he talk to me? And why did *insert name* tell him to add me.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing" I reply typing nervously trying not to make a fool out of myself

He sends me memes. I laugh, I send a laughing face emoji. He returns it with an"lol". We talk for half an hour then we end the conversation.

The next day

He sends me memes I laugh. Where does he get these memes? I wonder. I send him memes that I have screenshoted from google. His memes are better than mine, but he still adds an "lol" or laughing face emoji. I ask where he gets his memes.

" iFunny" he says

What's that? I usually get my memes from google, but the memes he sends me aren't like the ones on google.

" You should download the app" he says.

*insert name* has sent you a link

I click the link it sends me to the App Store I quickly download iFunny. I must have these memes I say to myself.

" it's downloading " I say waiting in anticipation to send him quality memes.


I don't reply back.

"Still downloading?" He asks

" Yeah sorry my phone is slow"

"It's ok"

I get impatient my phone takes forever. Finally I open the app I look at the captions and laugh. Wow these memes are hilarious, I screenshot. I send him the memes I have gathered. Then check my camera roll. Have I really screenshoted this many? I say to myself.

" lol I've seen these" he replies

Me a little disappointed that I didn't give him new memes attempts to make a joke.

" lol my camera roll is getting full because of you!!"

" yeah my camera roll is basically just a bunch of memes" he says

We finish our conversation. I go to iFunny scrolling and laughing at all the memes that they have displayed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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