Nothing Like Cinderella...

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{Sorry for the horrible tittle. (; }

Part 1

       Everyday for the past three years, I have put up with my life. Now I'm done with it all. It is way way too much to handle. I want it to end, now!  It's time to stop pretending.


       My pretend mom calls me. Great just frickin great.

"Yes mom?"

"I want you to go clean the pool and sweep the floor! Hurry up!"

       Yay she has people coming over, again. So i can't be seen as her daughter, again. Gosh, she is such a terrible person! Looks like i have a dinner to ruin. Haha.

       After I'm done cleaning I put everything away. Out of the corner of my eye I see my older brother trying to attack me. I do a quick turn around and i slap the crap out of him. I leave him there stunned as I make my way to my "mother's" office. I see her and my social worker there. Time to start destorying. I clear my throat, grabbing their attention as i say,

"I'm all done everything you asked me to. Now can i hang out with my friends... instead of being locked away in the attic... Like every other day?"

       That did it, she is pissed. I quickly run away to my room, which is in fact, the attic. Hopefully my social worker will realize that my being here is bad for me, and I'll get moved to a nicer faimly. I hate it here.

       There's a knock at my door, being polite I open it, and I let my social worker in. She takes a seat and inhales before speaking.

"Vanessa, I know how much you hate it here, but Clarie is try-"

"She's trying? Could've fooled me. She makes my life terrible. I'm like Cinderella minus the prince, glass slipper, happy ending and the evil stepsisters. Thank gosh for that, but i have that stupid pervert excuse for a brother."

"Pervert? Oh Vanessa! What did he do to you?"

       Being the nice person i am and since I don't want to get him in trouble, I say he touches me, or at least tries to. Next thing I know, my stuff is all packed and we are driving away from the wicked witch from the west.

Part 2

       I have to stay with my social worker dor a few days because the system is having trouble placing me. I can tell that i will like it here. The house is comfortable and causual. It's a one-story house, with three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. With a nice backyard.

"I like it, and I like you. We're going to be good friends."

       This takes her by surprise. She composes herself before saying anything back.

"I thought you didn't like anyone."

"No, I just act like that because people are annoying, and they think I'm some filthy caged animal, that goes from family to family."

"Not at all! I think your a wonderful person."

       This makes a first. No one has ever liked me, or thpught of me as "a wonderful person!" She is probably just saying that to get on my good side.

"Ms. Social worker lady, where do I sleep?"

"In the guest room, and call me Layla."

"okie dokie."

       I find the guest room easliy and i'm surprised it has it's own bathroom. I drop my bags by the door, and I plop on the bed. I am out like a light.

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