Abusive Koneko x Dying Abused Male Reader

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"Aaaaaahhhh!" I scream as my girlfriend Koneko beats the shit out of me.
"I told you not to talk to ANY other girls didn't I?" She yelled at me as I held my ribs.
"It was the teacher I can't exactly NOT talk to her, and if I don't I get detention for "disrespecting" the teacher." I explained only making her more mad kicking me out of the house LITERALLY!"
"Fine, you can talk to the female teachers but, no one else ok?!" She yelled as I nodded.
(Italics means the reader is thinking)
Why do I even stay in this relationship with her? I think as I clean up my blood as she went to the store.
You know what, screw it I'm going to leave. It's bad enough having a disease slowly kill me but this! No more, goodbye Koneko.
I think as I pack all my stuff and write a letter to her before I leave.


Konekos POV

"(Y,N) I'm home!" I yelled to (Y,N).
"(Y,N) where are you?... (Y,N) come out this instant or I will be the living shit out of you!" I yell in fury as I start to look for him but can't seem to find him till I see a piece of paper on the kitchen table.

Dear Koneko
   I can't just can't take you beating me anymore. I have decide to leave not only because of the beatings but that I am majorly sick and have a disease that cannot spread or be cured as it slowly kills me. My wish before meeting you was to go all around the world and I have decide to finish my goal. I'm sorry that I had to part but goodbye. I will never forget the good times we had before the beatings happened.
"No. No what have I done?!" I cried as he is now gone possibly at the airport already boarding.
If I hadn't done this he wouldn't have left not only that but he was already dying.
"I'm so sorry (Y,N) for everything I've done." Was all I said as I sat the with note in hand while I was balled up crying cause I made the most precious person I care for run away.
Hey guys thanks for reading my two stories and I hope you enjoy them.

Male reader x girlsWhere stories live. Discover now