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I walked into the room nervously. On my left there was a table full of people playing Magic The Gathering. Towards my right, there seemed to be an intense game of Yu-Gi-Oh going on. Right in front of me was the reason I was here. The group of Dungeons and Dragons players looked at me curiously. I was lucky enough to have someone I was somewhat familiar with by my side. Charlie loudly introduced me to the three people waiting at the table.

"Hey guys! This is my friend, Lainey! She's the one I told you about!" Charlie was always exuberant, though I wished now more than ever that he wouldn't be.

My cheeks flushed at the knowledge that he had spoken about me in the past. "Hi," I say quietly, giving a shy wave. One of the guys at the table stands up with a bright smile.

"Hi, I'm Jared." He says clearly, holding out one hand for a handshake. I blink at him and feel myself straighten up. I know how to do these sorts of introductions.

"Hi, Jared, It's nice to meet you." I say much more clearly, giving him a firm handshake, and holding eye contact just long enough. The other boys at the table follow suit, and I feel pretty good about my introductions.

"I'm William,"

"I'm Dimitri, the DM,"

I smile and pull out my premade character. An uptight drunk paladin elf. They grin at my choice of character and Dimitri launches us into the game.

A few weeks passed and I was in the middle of a session when I hear my name coming from by the door. My sister is peaking her head through the door, looking around for me.

"Hey Ellie!" I chime, "I thought you had cheer practice after school today."

"I did, but they cancelled. I can't exactly leave without you so..." She looks a bit nervous as she enters a room full of people who are allegedly just like me.

Jared snickers, "So you're the Ellie we've heard so much about." He pauses, a grin on his face, "I have to admit you look exactly like how Lainey described you."

I elbow him roughly in the side with a grin, "Come on dude, don't throw me under the bus like that!"

Ellie looks amused as she takes the seat next to William. "Oh? And how did she describe me?"

"OOOOOH," Charlie begins loudly in an exaggeratedly high pitched voice. "My sister is the most beautiful creature to ever walk this earth! You should see her at her dance competitions! Oh she's so elegant!"

"More like graceless pig," I quip, shooting Ellie a teasing look.

She returns it with a smirk, "I'm not the one who fell up the stairs this morning," She sasses.

The table loses it, as I look at her with bright red cheeks. I'm happy though. My sister is getting along well with my friends and nothing makes me happier.

Ellie eventually started visiting the club more often. I'm not sure when, but at some point, I guess she and Jared hit it off. They started dating a few months afterwards. I was genuinely happy for them too! I was having great fun with the guys at the table, and she would occaisionally pull Jared away afterwards to make out. I didn't mention it to mom and dad. 

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