Part 1

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Your metal hand falls to your side, hitting your hip and making you limp on your next short stride. The pungent taste of her 'strawberry' chapstick clings to your lips, nearly making you gag when you take a bite of the picturesque apple that rests in the palm of your other hand.

You don't find kissing her repulsive, only her choice in lip products. Her chapstick has the same tangy taste despite what flavor she chooses, and her liquid lipsticks (which you've finally convinced her to stop wearing) look cracked and far too dry. You'd be damned if that stopped you from craving more, or savoring every moment her soft, naturally pale pink lips collide with yours.

A single cloud lays restless on the vast, brilliant blue horizon. For some reason, though, you feel scared as you stare at it- the deep sky, that is, not the cloud.

They've made you scared of everything, and you hate it. You can't even look at the sky anymore without that sudden weight of fear resting in your stomach. Perhaps you've always been this way. Scared of the sky. You'd be a terrible astronaut.

Your metal foot feels extra heavy today, and you stop, sitting on a nearby log. It's hollow, and it's color reminds you of her eyes.
Though the fact that a dark brown log seemingly untouched by a single drop of water sleeps on a beach no where near the large woody forest is rather strange, you think nothing of it.

A bird bearing off-white feathers lands a few yards away from your toes. It pecks at the ground- or rather, a small section of drift wood. The repetitive tapping is annoying, at first, but gradually grows calming. This, though, you do find strange. A mere month ago you would have found that this would lead you to insanity.

Its small... feet carry it closer and closer, until you feel a slight peck on your fleshy toe. You let it continue, hardly feeling it after a while.

Your eyes drift shut, and a dark peace settles over you. The sound of the salty waves lull you to a very light sleep; one that would end when the soft touch of a young woman's hand rests on your shoulder.

You recognize her almost immediately. Blythe, the queen's youngest daughter. Though she may be the youngest, she hardly looks the part, and her sudden weary demeanor surprises you.

She lifts her hand when she notices you've acknowledged her.

She sighs before opening her mouth, letting the words pour out. "My mother, the queen- although, of course you know the queen is my mother, right? I mean you should-!"

"Just... get on with it, please?" You sound more annoyed than you meant to, and you cringe as the words return to your ears.

She nods, slowly, continues. "She... erm..." Blythe sighs, deeply. "She knows."

Suddenly, in that one instant, a plane crashes; a house explodes; everything you could ever know and love burns inside your horrible mind.

All you can do is stare at her. "She... what?" You insist she repeat, certain that you must have misheard her. So, she does.

"She knows... the queen... my mother knows... about us."

You take in a deep breath and let it escape in shaky bursts. "I... see..."

"What are we going to do?" Her voice is quiet and scared.

"I... am not sure..." Blythe's face falls when you say this, so you continue. "But we will figure it out. We have to."

Unfortunately, a princess being with a member of the royal guard is looked down upon, especially when that member is the only female. But, of course, that's how this situation plays out.

//hello! Thank you for reading the first part of this! I have the tendency to abandon stories, so let's hope that doesn't happen with this one! I know the first part is fairly short, but bear with me.  

Hope to see you in the next part!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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