Part 1 How my life started

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Have you ever got a feeling everything was going good until a bad storm comes and ruins your life, well that's my feeling .My name is Juliet but not from Romeo and Juliet.That story is not this one mine starts like this...

My father had died and my mother drinks to much.She was never home and it was hard to learn on my own, one day she came home really drunk and it cuased trouble for me.

-Juliet why were you born any way you don't now anything you are a stupid girl!

-You are the one how gave birth to me and i'm smarter then you think.

-Oh really then what is 16×6?

-96, the stupid one here is you plus you droped out of  school. I want to go to school but you are alwasy drunk to sign me in.

I'm just like my mother she treated me like this, so I want you to feel how I felt back when I was your age.

-But that does not have to with my learning all that you are showing me is that there is nothing good in life ,but the both of us know that there are many good things we can do to change our life.

My mother came close and gave me something I haven't had in a long time a hug.After 2years things went good but on one day my mother had brung wonderful news to the house and after the news I had started to go study and it went swell

-Juliet, I have good news I just got a job in a coffee shop, it may not pay much but we can save up.

-Mom! That's great now I can start to study for what I want to do in life(Artist).

Once I got to school it was pretty hard I did not have any friends and I got very lonely and I did not fit in well because of my personality .One day I met some one at the ice cream store.

?-Pardon me my name Ray, and it seems you dropped this.

-thank you ..(he is really creepy).My name is Juliet

(shoved ice cream in my mouth like a crazy person would do)

R-I see you like ice cream.

-Yes, it is my first ttttiiiiimmmeee!

R-It looks like you got a Brian freeze

-Oh thank you would you like to join me.

R-Sure it sounds like fun.

Me and Ray were all day at the ice cream shop talking about each other.

-Well see you tomarrow (sad face mode)

R-What is the matter Juliet

-I didn't want the day to end like this..(still sad)

R-Well it's only 6:30pm we can go watch a movie.

-Sure,can we see Oculous.

I went home, toke a shower and slipped on some black pants, a red long sleve shirt and blue converse(only good shoes I had) and off to met with Ray at the icecream shop,but before I could go I wrote a letter to my mom:


  Dear mom ,

    I went to watch a movie with my new friend

                Love ,Juliet

When I got there I saw Ray dressed in navy blue jeans a gray t-shirt and black converse

2hours later

-The movie was not that bad

R-Yeah I guess but, it did kill some time (the face oh well).

As we walked home we saw some police cars pass by and wondered what was it all the fus for

-Let us go to the unknow(i'm so silly)

R-Yes let us venture off.(now he just plain funny)

We hid behind the bushes and heard about a killer on the loose at that moment my mother was home alone.

-Holy shit my mom! I ran as fast as i could home

-Bye Ray! I yelled

R-Bye juliet. He yelled back

I got home and saw the door open I yelled all over the house for my mom, when I went up the stairs I saw a trail of blood up intil my mom's door.I enterd an there she was dead on the floor with a hole in her heart and now there is one in my heart aswell. Ever since that faitful night I had promised that I oul find, kill and them sufet for what had did.

1month later

After my mom's death, I went to stay with my only friend;Ray.His mom and dad had toke me in , they had a extra bedroom so they let me stay ince I had no more family and nowhere to go.

R-Juliet, are you ok?Ray aproched with a cup of hot chocolate milk.

-I was thinking of my mother and how i should have been there with her(sad mode once)

R-It is my fault that you wern't there with her.I'm sorry.(he apoligized, such a dark getup, but sarrow)

-Can you leave me alone and give me some time to think(I asked him)

R-ok(he left)

And as for me now my life has began and now  find the one who killed my mom or he will find me, maybe that one kill will change something in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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