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This all wouldn’t be happening if I’d just stayed quiet. I wouldn’t be standing between two people yelling at me. The two people wouldn’t happen to be my sister and her boyfriend.

Right now I wish I could go back to when I made that first move. Too bad I’m not in a movie because if I was, I would get the guy and my sister would eventually get over it; but I’m not.

I’m in my backyard watching my twin sister yell at her boyfriend. It’s not enough that she’s pretty good at yelling, but now he’s yelling back.

I have no idea how someone like me got in this situation. This year was supposed to fly by. I was going to finish high school, graduate, and move far away. The plan didn’t include anyone getting hurt. Yeah, I hurt someone I cared about, but it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t control the events that led up to this.

“Are you just gonna stand there and not say anything?”

She was yelling at me now and they were both staring. I was stuck. It was like someone glued my mouth shut. I couldn’t find the words to explain it all. Why did I fall in love? How did I hurt my sister, who swore she could never get hurt?

“Rhiannon are you gonna say something to her?”

Now there he was. Looking at me with those brown eyes that you could stare into for days. Why did he have to be so sweet and everything that I wanted? I just wanted to go back. But how could I when so much had happened.

One thing I can do is take it back for you. Help you understand why I am where I am right now. Why my sister hates me and why the boy I love might just hate me too. It all started the beginning of our senior year. It was going to be the best year of our lives, but things change. Maybe you can help me figure out how I got into this mess.

I just wanted to try, is that so wrong? We all try right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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