chapter 6

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Homura pov.

Now that we done telling the guy what song we're going to be singing. Then the the boys and two girls tell the DJ what they're going to.

"Fist up is B singing and playing make me a believer"

( How they look)

(Just imagine the others there)

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(Just imagine the others there)

Rin: First things first I'm going say all the words inside side of my head.

Bon: I'm fired up and tired of the way things have been oooh.

Shiemi: the way things have been oooh.

Bon: second thing second don't you tell me what I can be. I'm the one at the sail. I'm the master of my the sea hook oooh.

Shiemi: the master of my sea hook oooh.

Rin: I was broken from a young age. Taking my soaking from the Masters.

(I'm just going to put the song I'm too lazy to write anymore)

"Next up is team A singing and pleying heathens" the guy said as we walk up.

(What the girls are going to wear)

(What the girls are going to wear)

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