Taste Of The Dark Chocolate

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Some say that love at first sight doesn't last forever. Some believes there is no such thing as 'love at first sight'. Bradley Corrigan is a 28 year old Interior Designer,who believes in the latter fact. As if to prove that fact is wrong,fate guides him to meet with Ezola Bells,a 22 year old student who all but believes in love at first sights! Bradley falls in love with her at first meet but doesn't admit it. While Ezola confesses her love for him,Bradley is still in denial. What will it take for Bradley to accept he loves her? Will the time be too late when he does? Will Ezola be heartbroken?

Chapter 1

"I can't believe you're making me go with you! You always find ways to ruin my beauty sleep you ass!" I grunted and faced my pillow again.It's sunday,the only day I get to sleep as much as I want but somehow my best friend Matt,the pain in the ass of my life manages to drag me out of the bed as he wishes.

"You know I wouldn't ask this factor if I had any other ways available. And you also know I'm not going to aunt Melissa's without moral support",Matt whined.

"Moral support my ass,remind me again why I'm friends with you"

"Cause you love this ass",Matt pointed to his ass and winked at me. I threw my pillow at his face.

"Well if you don't move that ass and make me my coffee right now,I ain't going with you"

"Alright,alright.You know because of this crankiness of yours,you don't have a girlfriend"

"Oh what was that Matt? Did you just tell me that I don't have to go with you? Cool buddy!" I said in a rather high pitch voice and Matt winced.

"Ugh,I'm making it,just.....get up and don't use that tone in front of my grandma,she'll have instant heart attack",he grumbled and walked away to make my coffee. Ah life's good when you have your best friend to make you coffee.

I know you're probably thinking,if I don't wanna go then I could always say no. But the thing is his aunt Melissa is a crazy woman. And she always tries to hook Matt up with the craziest women out there. And I'm his safety guy,you could say. And now you're probably thinking how much crazy can a woman be. Believe me,they can be pretty crazy. The last woman she tried to hook him up with,she turned out to be a psychopath stalker. When Matt turned her down,she texted him non stop for a week. He had to change his number,she even got that somehow. Then she turned up at his work place,parents house,his apartment. We literally had to ALMOST kiss and make her believe that Matt's gay,so she'll leave. I shivered remembering that memory. It was so horrifying. After that he tried to say no to his aunt. But that damn woman won't take no for an answer.

I got up unwillingly. Brushed my teeth and washed my face. After getting ready and having my coffee,me and Matt head out to his aunt's place. It's his aunt's anniversary party. I gotta say his uncle's got patience to handle that woman. The woman knows many sexy people I gotta give that to her. If only they weren't that crazy. I wonder if there's anybody at that party who's normal. Not that I wouldn't mind a good one night stand but after that if the woman starts stalking me like that....well I'd rather settle with cold showers.

Actually,I don't do relationships. They can be disastrous. I saw my parents marriage crumble away in front of me. I saw the pain they had to go through. They gained nothing from their 15 years of marriage. I've always felt left out. Housekeepers and maids used to take care of me. To avoid themselves,my parents used to stay at their workplace longer than necessary. The only time I saw them together was in the holidays. Even then they would try to put on a smile and a mask in front of me. They thought a 9 year old boy wouldn't be able to understand that his parents were drifting away from him. Life can be really unkind. They didn't even try to repair their broken relationship for their son.

A few years before their divorce I met with Matt and his family. They became the family I never had. I used to spend most of my time at their place than I spend on mine. I mean why would I? There wasn't anybody waiting for me at that cold and empty house. Matt's family took care of me when my own didn't. Matt's not just my best friend,he's the brother I never had. And his parents are so kind,they're like the parents I'll never have. I'm not the type to dwell on his past. It's not just my parents. All those close to me,have suffered somehow from 'relationships'. Well majority of them did anyway. And I'm not about to take any risks like that any time soon. Better yet never maybe. Healing a broken heart is not that easy. Pain doesn't just fade away in a single day. I'm not willing to face those complications.

Aunt Melissa's place is really cozy and homey. By the time we reached,they had already started the barbecue. The house was full with people already. Before we even entered the house aunt Melissa spotted us.

"Matt! Bradey!!",she shouted.

"We didn't even enter the damn house",Matt muttered under his breath. I groaned. How many times have I already told her not to call me that! And in front of so many people....I was right. Looking around I saw sexy girls hanging and chatting. Most looking at our way cause aunt called us so loudly..

"Boys about time you guys join us!"

"How are you? Sorry for being a little late.."

"Oh honey no problem! I'm fine! Ecstatic!"

"I bet you are..",Matt muttered under breath.

"What was that!!"

"Oh nothing...I need a drink.."

"Hmph I thought so too...Now! Matt! Guess who is here today?!"

"Ah let me guess,some girl who even if I say no to you,will be forced to go out with me?"

"Hey young boy! I'm actually doing you a favour! If it wasn't for me people would think you are gay!"

"Because of you I had to act gay!"

"Opps...that was well...that was just an unfortunate siutuation. Poor girl was heartbroken.."

"Unfortunate!!?! She was a crazy stalker! I'm the unfortunate one here..",Matt groaned.

"Well that's all in the past! Now you have to meet the girl I chose for you this time! She's such a nice girl,she came here just a while ago...now where is she....lets go find her!",she took Matt's hand and dragged him away. Matt turned my way and mouthed 'save me!' I chuckled and mouthed,'later'. Then smirking I turned around. Matt kept calling my name with desperation. I'll let him suffer a little. If he thought he was getting away with ruining my sunday sleep...well he's wrong then.

I went inside the house to the kitchen to grab a beer. When I was just about to cross the patio a rich and beautiful laughter halted my steps. I looked towards where the laughter came from.

There beside the pool stood the most mesmerizing and gorgeous girl I've ever seen. As the golden rays of sun shone illuminating her very long straight jet black hair I stood there in awe. Watching....such silky dark curtain....I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through the silken hair. To see if it felt as smooth and beautiful as it looked. As I was standing in the middle someone bumped into me.

"Oh sorry buddy didn't see you."

"It's cool."

He walked away and I turned again to look at her again. And boy oh boy what I saw.....made my heart do a little flutter and made my heartbeat go fast. I held onto my breath. She was looking my way and as our eyes connected my mouth went dry....A pair of most beautiful,refulgent and hypnotizing eyes caught my stare. Deep long eyelashes,very plump and kissable soft looking lips. Her dark eyes was sparkling with mystery. She wore a white floral dress. She looked like a dark mysterious angel. I gulped. And dragged a long shaky breath in. It's a good thing there's a table in front of me or else she would see the evident of what she made me feel just by looking at me.

I was feeling a strange kind of pain in my heart. And that scared me. What the fuck was that. It's just physical attraction....It has to be. I don't even know the name of this girl. I turned the other way. Right I need that beer...NOW!


Okie dokie! Readers new story! Hope you guys like the concept! It's completely different from the two other stories I'm currently writing. Comment and vote and let me know what you feel about this plot. I personally believe in love at first sights. What about you guys?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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