Dear Past Me,

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Dear past me,

I know things might seem hard now, and you may even feel the need to give up, but trust me things will get better. You'll find new friends who like you for you. You're going to see that right now everything is falling apart. Your so-called "best friends" they won't stick around long. You'll soon find out that they dont even care about you. That whole sticking together thing it was just a joke. I know what it feels like, I was once there, but you can't let those girls get to you. Go out there meet new people and don't be embarrassed to be you, no matter what you do and who you are be proud of yourself be bold, be daring. Go on, have some fun people will look up to you for that, because you are you. Mostly remember the one day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching. So go out there and be that strong, beautiful, bold, perfect you. I just wanted you to know those things. Just a little heads up a sneak preview type of thing. But don't worry things aren't always going to be wrong. You life, it's actually pretty good now.

Love, Future you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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