The Man Under Ice

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Ice-cold fractals of snow are slowly floating down from the grey, heavy storm clouds, falling on my face. I can barely feel them melting against my frostbitten skin for my face has almost gone numb.

Trees all around me are wearing white, icy coats made of frost. Sun, size of an orange, bathes the ground with pale light making it shine like it was covered with diamond dust. Beneath my feet, under frozen layers of crystalized water, lies the whitest man I have ever seen.

His skin is so pale it's like fresh snow, veins under it are giving the skin a bluish tint. His string like hair floating underwater reminds me of thin beams of moon. His long, delicate arms are resting on his chest. He looks so peaceful, like he was sleeping there in his glacial cage. I lean closer, so I could see him better, but end up losing my balance, knees hitting the ice, hard. I whimper in pain.

My clothes are drinking up the frigid, watery snow. It's so cold. I think I am about to turn into an icicle, but I can't leave now. He have been waiting for me so long. Too long! Night after night he have been whispering in my dreams. I know it was him.

I remember his silky voice. The way he talked to me, the way he made me feel. Even if he had been just a dream, he was real to me. Always. I never even once doubted his existence, because he was the only one who ever understood me. He was always there for me, when no one else were. And one day he told me, he was also very lonely. He was all alone, and wanted me to join him.

"YOU CALLED ME!" I cry out to him. He doesn't answer. It feels like something sinister is taking over my body. "Why won't you say anything?!" My hands hammer the ice like I could hurt him that way, like he could feel the rage and pain every punch is loaded with. Tears are filling my eyes, they roll down my cheecks like hot lava before they freeze on my face. "I gave up everything I had, because you wanted me to!"

When he asked me to go to him, he also made an another request. He wanted to me prove myself to him. He wanted me to leave everyone behind. If I did that, he promised, we could be together, forever. He would be by my side. No one could hurt me ever again. I believed him, and came here.

I can feel my skin breaking. Bright red drops of blood dripple on the ice, slipping through tiny cracks on the icy surface. Soon reaching him. I can see his eyelids shuttering a little, then fully opening. I let out a shriek.

His irises are crimson red, and his gaze is piercing through me like a sharpened daggers. His head breaks through the thin ice. I can hear cracking noises, when he pulls through the rest of his body. He does't look like he is cold even though I am shivering so loudly my teeth are hitting against each other. He doesn't looked soaked at all, how strange is that.

He is walking towards me, ice shattering behind each step. Soon, he will reach me. Are we going to fall together into the dark abyss under our feet? Before I even realize it, he is holding me in his arms. They are so warm.

I smile at him, but he looks rather sad. I try to lift my hand, touch him, but I suddenly feel too weak to move. I wan't to ask him if he is okay, but my lips are sealed together. I feel sleepy. So sleepy.

His cheeks are turning to rosy pink, the bluish tint is gone, his lips are painted red with fresh blood. It's dripping down to his chin, falling down on us. Is it my fault? Did I do this to him? Is he here because of me?

His lips are coming closer. They touch mine. The kiss feels too heavy, I try free myself from it, gasp for breath. But his lips are never leaving mine, he won't let me breath. Yes, this is how it should be, isn't it? My hand feel sticky and hot, I let go of something I have been holding in my hands all this time. But I can't remember what it was.

I am on his arms; his strong, wetty arms. It feels like the lake itself was embracing me. I see something flickering from the corner of my eye. It's floating deeper down. The day is suddenly growing darker and darker. Soon, the little square is leaving me sight, too.

My lungs are starting to burn. My vision is blurry, eyes are feeling so heavy I can't keep them open anymore. Something, in the back of my head, is screaming to me. It begs me to open my eyes, it wants me to wake up before it's too late. What's too late? I don't know. I don't care. Not anymore.

I am happy. So happy. "I love you", my lips form the letters. "I am sorry."

Still, there is no answer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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