Armin x Reader The Dreamer

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"If you guys attack from the rear then we should all be fine." This was the last of Armin's plans and now it was time to take action.The battle lasted hours and it was brutal. After the battle almost everyone went up to Armin to congratulate him for a job well done."God im pooped."You yelled Falling on your butt and hitting the floor. 'I'll talk to him in a minute my legs are killing me so i'll just give them a little res-" Suddenly a couple of cadets came up to you."Can I help you?" You asked. "Well..."One  girl from the group started."Thank you so much for saving us. If it wasnt for you I would probably be dead!" "Oh it was no problem" Giving a friendly smile. "No I mean it! Im in your debt" Her eyes were getting watery. "Please dont cry I said it's ok" You glanced at Armin and he was staring at you vacantly. Once he noticed what he was doing he nervously looked away. 'What was that about?' You thought. "Again it's ok it's my job to look out for my fellow soliders, so now if you will excuse me." Giving her a gentle smile you left her to go congratulate Armin."Hey Ar-" When he saw that you were coming near him he lowered his head and walked off. Sasha walked behind you and asked "(r/n) are you and Armin ok?"  "Umm of course..why wouldnt we be??" giving off a nervous laugh you tried to play it off "I uhh gotta go" pointing to the direction he walked off to; you chased after him.

You finally found him hanging outside the girls dorm. "Armin whats going on? why did you just leave like that? You kinda embarrased me back there" You stated as you rubbed the back of your neck. He glimpsed at you quickly as you said this then looked away."Can we talk in private?"he mumbled "Umm sure".  Looking around quickly you shoved him into the girls dorm. "Ok please tell me what's going on, Armin." You spoke as you sat on one of the beds.

 "My plan.." He hesitated to say this. You crossed your arms and tried to avoid his gaze."...Well what about it" "You noticed didnt you?" (I did notice. There was a flaw in his plan that threw some people off and if it wasnt for you alot more cadets would have died, but you didnt want him to know that you knew because he would have felt bad)  "Actually no I di-" He cut you off" "(r/n) I know that you know."He started fighting back tears and there was a little bit of anger in his voice. "You dont have to lie to me" He came closer to you and threw himself into your arms; He slowly slid down until  his face was in your lap and his arms around your waist. "Armin" you had a sympathetic look on your face. You hated when he did this to himself. To help him feel better you started playing with his hair.

"This is all my fault" 

"It's ok, Armin."

"They would be dead if it wasnt for you."

 "But it's ok because I was there to save th-"

 "BUT THATS NOT THE ONLY PROBLEM! I NOT ONLY PUT THEM IN DANGER BUT I PUT YOU IN DANGER. IF YOU HAD DIED IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL MY FAULT... I could have lost you today... and it would have been all my fault. My strategies was supposed to be the only way i can make sure you're safe.It's the only way I could have protected you because im not strong enough.. and I almost failed today. Your eyes widened because you have never heard Armin raise his voice before

"Armin listen" You had such a gentle tone when you spoke "I chose to help the others on my own will. If I had died it wouldnt have had anything to do with your plan, so please dont push yourself"

BUT I COULD HAVE LOST YOU! .. I-I CANT TAKE THIS. *sniff* GOD I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE (r/n)" He looks you in the eyes with tears streaming down his face.

*sniff* ".. Lets do it."  *sniff*

Your eyes grew big and your heart skipped a beat "LET'S DO WHAT?!" you ask with panic in your voice. "One day..lets escape together.. far..far away from here". "Phew" you sigh in relief. He goes on " Lets explore the world! im tired of feeling like im trapped in a cage! I cant do this forever. He stands up and starts pacing. [r/n] lets just do it! it can be me and you.We can do anything we want and not have to worry about titans so I wont have to worry about losing you to them. We can finally be free from this hell hole" "Well what about our friends,Armin?" You question "Ofcourse they will come too!" he turns around staring at the ground looking almost embarrased by what he will say next. "but.. I NEED to make sure you're there with me." 

"Oh... Armin dont worry as long as you're the one thinking up the plans for us Im positive I will survive and then maybe one day.. we will leave" You spoke with twinkles in your eyes. You kissed his nose then gave him a tight hug

You werent so sure that you guys would ever leave

But it's still nice to dream' You thought silently while still embracing him

Armin Arlert your boyfriend THE DREAMER

*Authors note- I dont own any of the characters annddd I tried my best not to break him out of character .If I messed up anything in the story im sorry. Im actually not  really done watching attack on titans so i feel like i did something wrong in here or idk but anyways This was requested by ~  shadowsarepeopletoo and I hope you like it a little. haha I tried my best. *

Armin x Reader The DreamerWhere stories live. Discover now