Chapter One

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Brendon was being tapped on and groans. "Get up." Sarah says to Brendon. Brendon gets up. Brendon was a gay boy. He came out to his best friend Sarah when they were fifteen. They are seventeen now. "No," Brendon groaned. "Get up, we need to get to school." Sarah said. "Fuck school." Brendon said. "Don't make me get your mom on you." Sarah said. Brendon got up. Brendon's mom and dad, Grace and Boyd, is very accepting of Brendon being gay. Brendon gets dressed and walks out of his room with Sarah following behind him. They sit down at the island and eat pancakes. "Good morning honey." Grace said. "Good morning mom." Brendon says. The two eat their pancakes and get into Sarah's car where they drive to school. They walk inside. "Hey, who's that kid?" Brendon asked pointing to a tall brunette boy. "That's Dallon Weekes. He's a new kid." Sarah said. Brendon walked over to the boy. "Hey." Brendon said. "Hi," Dallon replied with a smile. "I heard you're new. Do you need help finding any classes?" Brendon asked. "Uh, yeah, where's choir?" Dallon asked. "That's actually my first class. Follow me." Brendon said. Brendon started walking and Dallon followed beside him. They arrived at the choir room. "Thanks." Dallon said. "You're welcome." Brendon said. Dallon began to walk into the room when Brendon grabbed his arm. Dallon turned around. "What are you doing for lunch?" Brendon asked. "Nothing, why?" Dallon said. "Do you want to sit with me and my best friend Sarah?" Brendon asked. "Sure," Dallon said. "Where will you guys be?" "We will be in the cafeteria. You'll notice us." Brendon said. "Okay, let's get in class before the bell rings." Dallon said. They walk into the room. They stand on the grandstand. "My name is Dallon by the way." Dallon said. "My name is Brendon." Brendon said. They smile at each other. They begin class. Throughout the day Dallon and Brendon realized they had the same classes. During lunch, Dallon, Sarah, and Brendon sit down at a table. "How has your first day been so far Dallon?" Sarah asked. "Pretty good. Brendon and I have the same classes so far." Dallon said and stared at Brendon. "What are you two doing after school?" Dallon asked. "We were just going to go back to my house and hang out." Brendon said. "Do you guys want to hang out at the ice cream parlor? My uncle works there." Dallon said. "Sure," Sarah said. "Do you drive?" "Actually no." Dallon said. "You two meet me by my car after school and we will go." Sarah said. "Okay." Brendon and Dallon said at the same time. At the end of the school day, Brendon and Dallon meet Sarah at her car. "Hey guys." Sarah said. "Hey." Brendon said. Brendon and Sarah get in the front seats and Dallon sits in the middle in the back. They drive to the ice cream parlor. They sit down at a table and talk. A few people walk in and out. Brendon heard a familiar laugh. He looks around. "We need to go." Brendon said. "What? Why?" Dallon asked. "I'll explain everything when we get in the car." Brendon said. Brendon, Sarah, and Dallon stand up and quickly walk to Sarah' car. Sarah and Brendon sat quietly for a minute while Sarah drove. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Dallon asked. Brendon sat quietly for a minute. "My ex boyfriend walked into the parlor." Brendon said with a sigh. "So? What did he do so bad that you can't be around him?" Dallon asked. "He cheated on me, Dallon." Brendon said. Dallon slouched down in his seat. "What if he changed?" Dallon asked. Brendon looked at him with a confused face. "Ryan doesn't change. He's been the same since ninth grade." Brendon said. "Wait so if you are a boy and you dated a boy does that mean-" Brendon cut Dallon off. "Yes, I'm gay." Brendon said. Dallon smiled at him. "I support you." Dallon said. Brendon turns around and smiles at him. "Thanks." Brendon said. "There's a party this weekend this weekend and Sarah and I are going. Do you want to go with us?" Brendon asked. "Sure," Dallon said. "What time are you going to pick me up?" Dallon asked. "Some time around seven." Sarah said. Brendon looked at Dallon as Dallon looked back at him. "What's this feeling?" Brendon asked himself. "Why am I feeling this?"

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my story! What do you think? Is it good? I love you all so much!

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