THE BATTLE(short story)

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Life was so thought: black cloud surrounded me and waves of problems were suffocating me, I didn't know how to swim, I had a phobia of water and life was that unfair to me that  throw me here: in the ocean.

Everyone was ahead of me but many was behind: struggling like me;
I didn't know what to do: help them to survive or help myself to outmatch the others? good I was I helped them and in return they went ahead and never looked back.

I was about to drown many times, I felt my heart suffocated, the faces ahead were watching laughing and misunderstood my tears as for my weekness .....yes I was crying in the middle of nowhere and my tears was mistaken by many as for rain drops and i was under the sea: meaningless and lifeless; i saw my whole life in one minute from my childhood till now: i saw my dad' struggle, my mom' s hard path and i finally understood why she kept saying to me to never give up and believe in yourself that every person is more strong than what they think.
I thought that is my last breath but life said here I am and that's when I saw that light: very unusual, strong and deep light I tried to reach it but couldn't  it was going far and far, i wanted to catch it so started walking underwater I tried to reach it, it was a tough battle.

When I finally reached it I felt like I found myself: I reached my destination, it was like heaven being there and I couldn't see no one.
I was soo ahead and I won the battle but no one was there to see me but that light remain always within me...the light of Hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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