~Chapter one~ The Letter

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The bus screeches to a halt next to a long driveway that leads up to an old white farm house next to an old white horse barn. As the bus doors open Emily Woods steps off waving to a few of her friends then running up to the old barn. She's a pretty girl, with her brown wavy hair and blue eyes that could make any guy start to drool. Her whole life she has dreamed of being a professional rider, the only problem was that her family doesn't have enough money to send her to a fancy school and big shows. Emily walks into the barn and quickly throws her backpack on her show box. The family dog, Bella, an Australian Shepherd is stretched out happily in the middle of the alley way. Horses poke their heads out of their stalls and whine, asking for treats. Emily just smile and continues walking down to the last stall in the barn where she stops and walks in.
"Hey, Queen!! I missed you today!" She says when she sees her champion show jumping horse, Queen of Hearts.
"She missed you too, she was all grumpy today and put up a real fight getting a bath today," Rachel says as she comes up behind Emily.
"Hey Rach, I haven't seen you in a while. How was your vacation?" Emily asks while she gets her grooming box.
"Good, although I missed the horses and giving lessons." Rachel leans against the stall door and watches as Emily starts to groom Queen.
"We all missed you too. By the way, do you have time to watch me ride today and give me a few pointers?" Emily finishes grooming Queen and grabs her tack.
"I always have time for my favorite student!" Rachel says with a wink. "Meet me in the outside arena in 30 minutes, I'll set up the jumps at 3'6."
As Rachel walks away, Emily puts on Queens saddle pad and saddle then follows with her girth and lastly the bridle. Although Emily loved her life as it was, she had always wished she had enough money to go to a private school and ride. However, she knew it wasn't possible and had except that a long time ago. Right on time Emily walks into into the arena with Queen walking behind her.
"Alright Em, mount and warm up, you know the drill." Swiftly Emily mounts and asks Queen for a walk. The horse and rider pair walk around the arena three times before Emily asks for a trot. Again they circle three time before moving to a canter.
"Okay, go ahead and jump the course I set up for you." Rachel tells Emily, as she nods and turns Queen towards the first jump. One, two, three, four, five. Emily counts as she nears the jump, Queen soars over the jump with Emily on her back in perfect position. Again the team near the next jump and again Emily counts then the pair flies over the jump in perfect position. Both horse and rider continue like that for the rest of the ride.
"Good run, however bring your hands up just a tad. Are you entering any shows this month?" Rachel comments with a smile.
"No, I can't I just did one last weekend. One show per month." Emily says as she pats Queen.
"Right, well go ahead and cool her down. Really good ride!" The trainer says with a wave as she walks back to the barn to her next lesson. Emily does as she says and cools down Queen before dismounting.
"That was such a good run!" Emily says to Queen meaning every word. Some people think it's weird to talk to a horse, but Emily never has thought that. When they arrive back in the barn, Emily clicks Queen in the cross ties and untacks. After untacking, she grooms her beloved horse and puts her back in her stall with a few treats for doing so well. Just as Emily comes out of the stall he mother comes in the barn to get her for dinner. Quickly grabbing her backpack and waving goodbye to Rachel both mom and daughter walk up to the house talking about their days.
"Something came in the mail for you today, it's up at the house." Emily's Mom, Tina, says with a smile.
"Okay, I'll look at it after dinner." Emily says, thinking it's probably another horse magazine. Her mom just nods and opens the door.
"Go set the table Em," So she does.
Tina brings out the bowl of spaghetti and sets it in the middle of the table as Bill, Emily's father, and Matt, Emily's older brother, walk in. Matt has movie star looks, he could make any girl fall for him in a matter of two seconds. He has brown hair and big brown eyes, he's a great rider and farmer like their father. After Bill says the blessing everyone dives into the spaghetti and meatballs.
"So Em, how was school today?" Asks her father while wrapping noodles around his fork.
"Boring, like very other day," Emily smiles and takes a bite.
After dinner the men of the family do the dishes while Emily walks up to her room. Her room is a light gray with horse pictures all over. As she flops down on her bed with Bella, Tina walks in holding a letter.
"This came today for you," Tine says trying to remain calm. Emily takes it from her and looks at it. She looks again just to make sure she saw the right thing.
"No, this has to be a mistake." Emily exclaims shocked.

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