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"What's the point of being here", I asked myself. I ask myself this everyday, why am I here? what is my purpose? I come to this school everyday just leave asking my myself if school is even necessary. Why can't I just drop out and become a CEO of my own business? Well I'll tell you why, me and hundreds of other people are taught to believe that we can become CEO's , but we have to finish school first. We are taught that we can't be successful with out a high school diploma or a college diploma, and that's just simply not true. If you were to become a CEO of your own company with your own invention and your own investments, who is going to tell you that you can't work for them if you don't have a diploma? No one! Because you are the highest power of YOUR company. So what's the point of being here? To make friends! I think not. Now I'm not saying just go run off and drop out of school, but I think that we should all consider the fact that school is not for everyone. Why should we judge someone based off of how many diplomas that person has? Be you, do you, but let's try not to judge.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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