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Penelope: Enthusiastic girl, short, brunette, always happy, artistic.
Pippy: Girl:  Smart, crazy, hyper, blond, tall, glasses
Rosie: girl, Short, smart, geeky, glasses, great party planner, always can help
Emma: girl, great person, very tall, blond, smart, reads a lot, photography is life.
Go-go: boy, crazy, always running places, always late, hyper
Stilly- Boy, tall, calm, can be rude but still is a good person, is very quiet
Terrath: perverted, dark personality, not nice, invades personal space, laughs at people's failures even though they achieve more than him. 
Anthony: boy, nerdy, smart, medium height, glasses, is a memer but isn't a big memer, great friends with the entire group but has a completely different friend group.

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