changing a life (harry styles love story)

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they say that everything happens for a reason so that means that your family's death also happened for a reason?! when i was 12 years old me Emily Diaz , my sister Kala, my Father and mother were in a car strolling along, little did i know i would be devastated when i go out of the car. we were going to Miami to go to my dentist appointment, we lived about 2 hours away in a little town called Naples, of course i thought nothing really bad can happen in Florida but i spoke to soon a car on the free way we passed a car o have a man on his cell phone with as the windows down yelling then all of a sudden the man had picked up speed and there went my family.

I felt my body ache as i heard sirens and i could see the flashing lights around me and i drifted into a deep sleep.

when i woke up i saw that i had bandage's around one of my eyes and that i was in a hospital bed, i saw a nurse walking out of the room and tried to ask her to come but i couldn't reach her my voice i could barley hear me "excuse me, excuse me" but she left then another woman came and saw that trying to speak and she told me that it would a leas take an hour to be adjusted to speaking ,

"ill tell you that you were in a coma and that you couldn't speak so it will take a while , ill tell you the res later hun okay" she spoke with a nice English accent, " if you need something just press this " she gave a remote that had a button with a tag that said 'help'

"okay "i mumbled. After that she left , another nurse came and brought me a snack. all i wondered about was what happened to me, i couldn't remember anything other than my birthday and my name . wait i remember something else " wheres my glasses " i said out loud i guess an hour passed because a woman came in and told me that during my accident on of my lens had broke and damaged the out side of my eye and that they where fixing them. well that explains that. like five minutes later the same woman that explained my voice problem took me in a wheel chair to a private room and this is exactly what she told me

" i think that now is he best time to ell you that two years ago your family had been in a terrible accident only you and your sister survived but when your sister woke up last year she was given a home she now lives ion Europe with Barbara and john trapps." she pause. that was devastating to hear then she continued "because of the high prices in airline tickets these days you can only se her for a week every year, if you want, she is now 8 years old and is 3rd grade"i nodded at the happy news" you on the other hand with be living by yourself because we think it will be best for you right now we are taking you to your old house for you to live in its even close to your high school palmetto high" oh great i thought to myself i need to catch up 3 grades, " you will be in special classes in 3 weeks, when summer ends " okay i was about to start panicking there " oh and for now ill be taking care of you until you are fully healthy" she smiled.

" so your like my new mom for 3 weeks" i asked which is a surprise because im very shy.

" yes and since i haven't introduced my self yet, my name is Carmen i have a daughter named Patrica she is going to be a sophomore"

" okay"i smiled i always wanted a big sister because .... i remember that my big sister passed away in a car accident on her 15 birthday and that nothing was the same after that .


and now im looking at the place that i lived my house in the red orange house it had three rooms a master and a small room for some one and the master kids room i had a kitchen, living room, laundry, and two offices oh and i can forget it had a giant backyard wich a pool. i was being spoiled but this was my real house before so its mine now. Carmen told me that if i need anything just call her on my cell and hat her and her daughters contacts were in there

" oh and dont forge that you can move anything you would like and trow away any thing you want"

" okay ill make it suitable for living" i wouldn't have to say that if the investigators didn't go in a looked for any thing that had to do with records

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