Under The Sea

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A long time ago, deep in the blue sea, lived a family of mermaids(more like a crowd but they call themselves family). Alas, on a rock was a wondrous merman named Prince Nino. He was always curious about the world above him. Prince Nino has asked his parents(the king and queen) several times to swim up and discover new things but, they always declined him. Every mermaid was forbidden to go up to the shore until one day, there was a problem.

The king gathered every merman in the sea and told them,"The humans have been littering in our kingdom for months now and we need someone to stop them."

Nino raised his hand and said,"I shall go sacrifice and explore the unknown lands," he continued,"And if I come back, I will share tales about their world."

"You can't do that young man," the king shouted,"It's too dangerous. Now, who would like to go?" Nobody answered because the king said it was dangerous and they didn't want to die(of course).

"Please father?" Nino pleaded.

"Fine," the king said worried about his son. After, they had a going away but not forever party(or GABNFP party) for Prince Nino. Every one was there, but someone was missing.

Thank you for reading Part 1 of my story. I will figure out a day to update this story or if I'm free, I might update it. I'll tell you in Part 2 when the day is.

~Bsquared <--- I'll call myself that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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