The Tapping

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6 year old Bradly was lying in his bed back faced to his window in the darkness. He has been terrified ever since he got up. About 20 minutes ago Bradly has been awaken out of a good dream to the sound of Tap, Tap, Tap. It took Bradly a while to understand where it was coming from. He soon discovered it was coming from his window. Tap, Tap, Tap. Something was definitely there and Bradly knew it. He was to frightened to turn around.

To pass the time Bradly thought he could try to understand what it was at his window. A witch? No, A bear? No, Joker? Yes. It must have been joker from the BatMan. That helped calm his nerves because he thought the joker at his window would run away when BatMan came after him. He started to close his eyes. Not to go to sleep. No way. He started to imagine he was BatMan. He was imagining he was stealthily coming over to my window with stupid joker at his window and scare him away. He cracked a smile. Than opened his eyes again and got a little bit sad. He snapped back to reality. He was still hearing Tap, Tap, Tap.

He soon started to think about his mother. She would help him and come into the room and scare joker away just like BatMan. But what would happen if Joker heard him calling his mom? Would he start to open the window and welcome himself in? He shuddered at that thought. Maybe he could call her name just a bit over a whisper. Scratch that, she wouldn't hear. Tap Tap Tap. The sound was still going on. He remembered his mom gave him a whistle and she said to blow it in case he got scared. He smiled. Of course, he thought. It was under his bed. He reached for it. All he felt was the bedsheets and the pillow sheet. He lied his hand flat and went side by side until his hand was at the end of his pillow. Still nothing. "Joker must have done this" he thought. He came up with an idea. "What if I just scream out my moms name just about once?". Taptaptap. It was getting faster. Joker knew Bradly was up now.

He screamed his moms name. No answer. He screamed it again. Still nothing. He began to just scream out mom until the break of tears. He began to hear shifting coming from downstairs. His mom was waking up. She was walking slowly though. He felt happy and thought "I'm going to look at that stupid joker". He bravely turned around. "No" he thought. The joker was just a figment of his imagination. What was actually there was someone hanging on a tree with a rope around there neck. The rope had spikes on it. It was gushing through her throat with so much blood coming out. That someone was his mother. Wait. If his mother was there then who was behind the other side of the door? Bradlys heart started to beat out of his chest when he heard the sickening sound effect on the other side of the door. Tap Tap Tap.

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