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I'd definitely say that Geography is my WORST subject. I'd spent all night studying for this test that I was about to take. It didn't count for much but I'd get my ass handed to me by my parents if I didn't get over an 85%. Mr. Leck was holding a stack of papers, talking about the questions on the test and giving a rough summary of what it was about. I - on the other hand - was not paying attention. I was too busy worrying about the questions. My palms were clammy, and I felt like I was about to throw up.

The whole class was dead silent, but no one seemed to be as nervous as me. Maybe it's because they don't have strict parents that will ground them if they don't pass with at least an 80%. I was staring at the pencil in my hands, I was gripping on so tight my knuckles turned white when all of a sudden the door flung open and everyone's attention was directed to the tall, brown haired boy standing in the doorway. Ethan Dolan.

"Thank you for joining us today Mr. Dolan, your presence is very much appreciated" Mr. Leck said sternly with a little sarcasm in his voice. "Take a seat please. We're about to start writing"

"Writing what?" he asked, taking large strides to the empty desk at the back of the class, not much tone in his voice. I could tell he didn't care.

"The test" Mr. Leck said, with raised eyebrows. Causing Ethan to stop in his tracks turning on his heel to face the front again.

"Wait for real?" he asked, his eyes bulging, "since when"

"Just take a seat please, you'll always have a chance to redo the test if you fail" Mr. Leck spoke with no expression. Ethan rolled his eyes and strolled over to his desk dropping his bag on the ground with a loud thud as Mr. Leck continued to talk about the test, and go over the questions. After about five more minutes of his meaningless rambling he started to hand out the tests.

"Try to fill out as many questions as possible, and try not to leave anything blank or write any smart ass answers please" he said placing a test on Ethan's desk in front of him and glaring at him. Turning away and handing a test to the next person. "you have the whole period to write. Does anyone not have a test?"... no response. "Excellent, you may start. Good luck everyone".

I focused my attention to the test and read the first question. 'This is EASY. I've got this' I thought, and I started.


I was the first one to finish the test, I quietly stood up and out of the corner of my eye I saw Ethan staring at me but I ignored him and walked to the front handing Mr. Leck my test.

"Thank you" he whispered, "you can leave if you'd like, or you can stay here. Whichever you prefer" I smiled back, nodding and walked over to my desk and packed up my stuff and sat there for the last 20 minutes.

After class we all shuffled out of the room, and I stared to walk down the hall to my next class, when Ethan ran up to me, one hand holding onto the strap of his backpack the other shoved in his pocket.

"Hey" he smiled, causing me to roll my eyes. Why was he talking to me, we've never had a conversation before. 

"um hi..." I said awkwardly. 

"what's up" he asked nonchalantly. 

"What do you want Ethan?" I asked, stopping and turning to him staring at him blankly causing him to raise his eyebrows. 

"Who said I wanted anything?" He asked sounding a little offended. I stood there looking at him in disbelief.

"There's no reason for you to be talking to someone like me." I'm not one to be considered 'popular' and he is.

"Maybe I just wanted to have a conversation with you, make a new friend." he shoved his other hand in the pocket of his jeans. 

"right" I snorted, I still didn't believe him.

"Ok fine" he spoke, "I'm failing geo... like really badly and I was wondering if you'd be able to help me out, you seem smart and I'm... well... I'm not" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. I stood there for a moment thinking about this situation. He was a dick, who was known for being late to every class if he even decided to show up, he was a womanizer and someone who wasn't meant to be trusted. Nope, I'm not wasting my time on him.

"absolutely not" I told him with no expression in my voice, as I turned on my heel to head to class. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"please" he urged, his eyes full with hope. I felt a little bad but at the same time I knew I shouldn't.

"fine, I'm free every Wednesday and on Fridays" I sighed "I'll meet you after school today by the portables and we can go to my house" he stood there for a moment searching for any sign of deceit in my face. And then he smiled. I'd never seen him smile before, he looked cute when he did.

"Thank you so much, you won't regret this I promise" he called turning the corner.

"I better not" I called back, shaking my head.

What have I gotten myself into.


OK!! SO this is my new book it's not super good yet  and you probably think it's super boring or whatever but chapter is going to be JUICYYYYYYYY ok so stay tuned, imma try and post the next chapter soon but I hope you guys liked it, its short but GUYS JUST WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ONE I PROMISE YOU!! If you read this little note all the way through you're a G, and comment a 😏 so Ik who read it. Ok ily guys and I'll update soon💜

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