Another Day

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{Yosafire's POV}

The warm light shone through the thin layer of my eyelids. Groaning I placed my pillow over my head and tried to fall back into the void where dreams are endless. But to no luck, I couldn't fall back to sleep. Groaning once more I uncovered my face and looked up at the window above my bed. "Curse you window," I grumbled before throwing the blankets aside and stumbling out of bed. It's been at least fourteen to fifteen years since Ivlis invaded the verbal and mental abuse of the other villagers and now I'm nothing more than a laughing stock. Picking up my red-framed glasses I placed them on the bridge of my nose and sighed heavily. I remember when Ivlis asked me a few years ago to watch his son while he ran out to run a few important errands, and didn't trust many to watch over his son.

Pulling out the hair tie that kept my long lime-green hair in a low ponytail. The tangled mess came out and swayed with every movement I made. Walking over to my dresser I brought out the summer tank-top dress and threw it over my head and pulled it down. Next, my leggings which I found in the next drawer next to my over-coat and finally grabbing the hairpin I wanted to put in my hair today. It was nothing special, really. Just a simple pin shaped like an apple. Grabbing the brush I started to pull at the tangled hair and straightened to a point where I could easily pull it up and behind crossing the clumps of hair into a braid. Sighing out the stress emotions I stood up and grabbed the blanket I threw earlier and started to make my bed.

Humming a happily merrily tune I gave the sheets one last gentle tug before calling it good. Walking out to the kitchen I started the tea kettle and grabbed bread and placed it in the toaster as I cleaned up the broken glass from yesterday. Froze had stopped by and out of nowhere her behavior changed and started throwing cup and plates at me. For a while, I would let her break everything I had but soon her anger diminishes and well everything seemed to go back to normal... Until I got a text later on saying that we weren't friends anymore and to stop bothering everyone with my presence.

Heartbroken by this I cried myself to sleep and just woke up not even bothering to check my phone... My phone! Running back to my room I unplugged the charger and turned on the screen to see several text messages from Froze, spewing everything she hated about me. But I had one text from Mr. Wodahs and it seemed like it was forwarded by someone else but Wodahs wrote something else underneath it as well.

  ∆Tomorrow is another day, another day means more fun and chances yet to come... My faith path shall be shown once I have the animal of light by my side∆ ~Yosafire we need to talk about this meet me in my study around noon where I will be there doing paperwork and will be able to explain this more in detail, Sincerely, Head Angel, Wodahs

Wodahs seemed anxious and concerned in his text. The animal of light, what does that truly mean. Shrugging my shoulders I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost noon. Sighing more I went to the door and opened it to see no one in sight. Must all be doing something away from the village. Walking out I started to notice the flowers were a dull color now. But then again they all started doing that when I started to become alone and felt abandoned by everyone. I didn't think much of it since not all the villagers take care of the flowers.

Making my to BlancBlack Castle I saw Grora lazing around as normal as it can be. Ater even was sleeping silently in her cat form association didn't Arbus on the ledge near the water fountain. Making my way through the giant double doors I headed straight for the door off to the left of the staircase. Groaning I tripped on the upturned carpet and fell face first. With the sudden realization that there were others in the castle as I heard laughter and very rude and harsh words ring through my ears.

"Wow such a clutz"
"Yeah can't believe she's part of our world"
"I wish she could just die"
"She's nothing like her ancestor"
"Go die in a ditch, bitch"

Nothing but harmful words sprang from their lips. But like the feeble person I was, I just stood up brushed myself off and went straight to Wodahs's office. Knocking on the door four times as in code for someone being scheduled to meet with him. The door opened a little to show a very exhausted Wodahs with his normal long black trench coat with the silver lining off. His dress shirt had one button undone and his tie hanged loosely around his neck. "Umm..." I hesitated as I looked at him suspiciously, "it's me yosaf... You wanted to talk to me about something...?" His dull grey eyes widened for a moment before he stepped aside and ushered me into his office.

Walking into the office I noticed stack upon stack of books piled everywhere. This isn't the normal Wodahs I know... Something is wrong. Looking at Wodahs as he shut the door and locked it. "Did anyone else see you come here," he sounded anxious and concerned, shaking my head, he relaxed and sat down at his desk staring at the book in front of him. "I have been digging and digging ever since last night when I received a certain letter pertaining to that question... The one who sent it mentioned the creature of light... Which is no matter what history book I've read, I can't find anything that resembles such phrases," he paused as he grabbed the file sitting beside the giant book float on a crystal beside the desk, "until I found your ancestors file... He didn't come from this world. In a matter of fact, he came from the world of the sun, the world that Ivlis is the devil for..... I searched through his records to only find out you and Yosaflame were a rare type of being that is almost gone you and him were the last ones to ever exist for a thousand of years... You are the last known female Phoenix!"

Taken aback I just stared at the exhausted Wodahs. "Why are you telling me this, Mr. Wodahs?" I asked stunned. He gasped then he let go of the file as it fell back down onto the desk. "Yosafire," he paused as he stood and walked over to me, "you're in danger. You have the right to know, I believe when Ivlis broke the barrier around our little world your powers leaked and other worlds found out about you." His voice trembled as he took a knee to my height and placed his hands on my shoulders, "just promise me that you'll be more conscious around others, alright?" I nodded my head as he gave a tiny smile and patted my head.

Tomorrow is Another Day

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