A Kitchen Nightmare

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(euthanize me)

"Hurry the fuck up and get the orders!", You heard the head chef scream.

Your heart was palpitating with adrenaline, trying to get orders out as they were coming out quick. Too quick. You knew they were microwaving the food and it made you want to vomit. Why the hell are we giving out this shit?, you thought. You hurried back into the kitchen, hearing the head chef tapping the bell rapidly.

"Could you be any slower? Wake up, (Y/N)!", Your boss exclaimed.

Stress has made deep cut wrinkles into his forehead and grey hairs seemed to pop up in his locks every minute. You grabbed the food, balancing them on your arms before going out and serving them to the customers. Of course, you guys were getting complaints on the food. Burnt, raw, too spicy, not enough seasoning; almost every complaint. All the complaints kept coming which led to less customers and the restaurant was high-off-the-charts in debt. Your co-workers, including you, haven't been recieving checks and that's when everyone just stopped caring, besides you and your boss. You sighed deeply, hearing complaints from a table before apologizing to them. You grabbed the dishes from the customers and returned to the kitchen.

"oh man, what's wrong with those??", The head chef asked.

"It's undercooked and-"

"alright alright alright, just shut up and bring these out. I'll fix that", He said as he grabbed the dish from you before putting it into the microwave.

Are you fucking kidding me?

You put the remaining dishes down before grabbing the new ones, giving them to the customers.


The kitchen was finally shut down for the night and it was your job to clean. You had a warm soapy cloth, wiping down every table and the seats; no remaining dirt or speck of food was left behind. You do clean thoroughly, but why? You're treated like shit, no one listens to you when you say the food is bad, etc. You didn't know. Everyone else would have done a shitty job or quit to get them back. You were just a good person. You liked your job, but you knew it could be better.

"(Y/N)..", Your boss called for you.

You stopped what you were doing and walked over to the counter where he was standing at.

"yeah, David?", You questioned.

You were able to call him by his first name since you both were close; he was sorta like family to you. He was bossier than usual today, but that didn't change how close you two were because you knew all the stress has been weighing him down.

"I contacted Gordon Ramsay to help us out.. He'll be here tomorrow", He said as he lifted his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Your eyes went wide. The best chef in the world is coming to this restaurant to help you guys out. He's your idol; your dream to become a chef all started because of him. You always wanted to cook with the passion you have for food. Unfortunately, the head chef didn't want you near a cooking utensil. Your mouth was gaped open and a small smile formed on your face.

"That's.. mind-blowing news! I can't believe that", You said with disbelief.

David moved his hand away from his face, looking at you as he smiled, chuckling softly at your reaction. He gently patted your shoulder as you looked back at him.

"I just hope he can help us.. and knock some sense into Jackie", He said, referring to the head chef.

You sighed gently, knowing that Jackie can be a jackass. He's just on another level of assholery, to the point that even David is scared of him. There were times he even manipulated David to fire workers that were amazing, all because they were telling him the truth about the food he cooks. You hoped that Gordon could bring out that passion from him like he had at the beginning. Also secretly hoping that he could tell Jackie to let you cook in the kitchen.

"I bet he will", You responded and David just smiled even more.

"Go home and get some rest.. Big day tomorrow!", He says as he walked behind the counter.

You wished him a goodnight before stepping out the doors. You couldn't believe Chef Ramsay is going to come and help you guys out. Hopefully everything works out. You were unable to predict the future, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow when he enters through those doors.

(Okay, I'm gonna start a new chapter. I just, oh my hell, I don't know why I'm typing this. Again, if you don't like this and find this disgusting, just leave. Cya!)

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