Dao Ming Si - Who is in love with who?

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I'm here, eating with Shancai, Qinghe, and LiZhen.

"Y/N, why do you always eat many but your still thin?" Qinghe faced me while eating, Shancai and LiZhen nodded in unison while I stopped eating and look at them.

"I don't know, maybe I just really don't easily get fat." I said as Shancai and LiZhen looked each other and hummed,

"I actually have a secret" i teased him and winked at him then Qinghe immediately stood up giving us goosebumps, everyone look at us it was kinda awkward though.

I wonder why Qinghe is always easy to joke around.

"What is your secret?!" He shouted putting his hand on the table while I faced palmed myself, ugghhhh I don't why to be embarrassed by everybody, I look up to Qinghe.

"I---umm---uhh--" I was about to say something but someone immediately sat beside me and answered.

"Secret stay secret, and she definitely has no secret." That voice, I heard that voice like a millions times, it's Dao Ming Si. I was startled when he just jumped around out of nowhere, I look at him and he look at me and winked at me while his left hand was on my right shoulder pulling me closer to me, he looked at Qinghe deadly then Qinghe swallowed and sit down quietly which made me chukled while everybody didn't look at us now, I sigh with a smiled, I was actually saved by Dao Ming Si.

Dao Ming Si saved the day.

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Dao Ming Si's POV

I was playing with my phone, then the three boys looked at me not-expectedly-this face .

"What did this boy eat or drink?" Ximen asked Meizuo while Meizuo looked at me.

"A love potion" He said, I put my phone down as I looked at Meizuo and Ximen.

"He is in love" Lei said while playing at his phone, I look at him

"Ah Si is falling in love with Y/N"Ximen said as they all teased me but I just shrugged and starting to focused on my phone.

Little did I know I was smiling all the time.

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