On The Radar

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Shadows moved everywhere around the room, tricking my eyes. A specific shadow stepped away from the wall and walked towards me. No. This is impossible. I've gone mad. It has to be a dream. Please be a dream. I thought, backing up rapidly before I fell. The shadows face, or what I assumed was its face, was inches from mine.

A soft voice spoke, breaking the silence. "Why do you fear me child?" The question hung in midair between us as I looked at the shadow. "U-Um. I-I'm not exactly s-sure what you w-want. What d-do you want?" I said, my voice wavering.

"Why, we want you dear. What else?" I screamed but nothing happened. No one came for me. No one ever would. The shadows came at me all at once scratching at my eyes, fighting over them. "NOOOOO!" I bolted up right, holding my hands over my face. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. "LILY! Don't you tell me that! You're going to school whether you like it or not! Now GET.UP!"

My mom screamed at me from the hall. I growled and swung my legs off the bed and stretched. This is going to be a long day. Me and my mom have always had problems. I thought. "ARE YOU UP YET?!" My mom screamed before she saw me walk into the kitchen. "Oh. Honey you're awake. Did you sleep well?" She said in her "Ihaveanotherjobtonight,sorrybutnotreally" voice.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, deciding I'd eat breakfast at my Aunt and Uncles café, Gossip. Yes, they literally named the store "Gossip" because of the many, many teenagers that go there to gossip about everyone and everything. "Morning John" I said to my step uncle, sitting in the farthest booth in the café.

Aunt Leana walked over to me, kissing my cheek and resting her hand on it. "Morning Lil Lily! What will you have today to help forget the most recent nightmare?" I smiled at her casualness. I'd been having nightmares for a month now, Leana's always there cheering me up and keeping me awake for school.

"Morning Aunt Leana. I'll just have a caramel mocha and a cinnamon roll. Thank you!" I replied and pulled out Bewitched. Just a few minutes later, I'm interupted from my reading by a tall brunette. "Lily." "Lily is not available to spoiled brats, thank you. Come again.?" I said, hiding behind my book. She glared down at me.

"I thought I told you to stay way from Austin?" I smiled. "Why yes, now that I think of it, you might've mentioned it before." She scowled and I turned back to my book. She slammed the book down and brought her face close to mine. "Then why were you with him the other day, freak?" She was dangerously close to me. I wanted to knock her out, instead, in a calm voice I replied.

"I'm his tutor Marissa, I have to be with him or else he won't learn anything." She started to say something snide when the door jingled and Austin walked in. "Sweetie! Good morning!" She chirped, kissing him and glaring at me as he went to sit down.

"I don't get why people look up to that girl at your school." My aunt said, placing the mocha and cinnamon roll in front of me. I nodded in agreement and thanked her, munching on my food. Gossip was full as usual, murmurs and whispers filling the room. Marissa and her friends kept staring at me, whispering and giggling.

Shaking my head, I got up and threw away my trash. On my way to the door, I swung my hips while walking so that I 'accidently' bumped her drink, spilling it. I heard her scream from outside and smiled with satisfaction. Starting up the steps to Oakland High, I ignored the dirty looks from many bypassers. 

I was halfway to my locker when I stopped dead in my tracks. A tall figure was standing there, banging the locker next to mine in frustration. He turned and leaned against it, running his fingers throught his messy hair. I gasped.

This guy was gorgeous. He was about a foot or two taller than me, with messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. A six pack was visible under his black t-shirt. He looked up, his eyes landing on me and a smile formed on his face. I blushed and looked at the ground, walking towards my locker and opening it with ease.

"Hi." I looked at him confused. "Um.. h-hi." I said shyly, trying to shove my book in my locker. "Here," He reached across me and held two books against the locker so I could fit the book in. "Oh..thanks.." I said and stood there for a second before closing my locker. He grabbed my arm as I walked away. 

"Wait!... Um, could you help me?" I looked at him suspicously. Guys as gorgeous as him don't talk to outcasts like me. His eyes looked at me, pleading for me to say yes. Finally I gave in to the puppy dog face. "What do you need." He smiled, face brightening instantly. 

"I-um. My locker..won't..open. Coud you...?" He looked at the ground. ummm. okeyy then. I walked over and stood in front of his locker. "Combo?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He shoves out his arm so I can read the numbers on it. 

"There." I say, and walk away to class, not even waiting to see if he had something to say. Dating guys as gorgeous as him was badd juju. You'd be everyones target of gossip and humiliation. I kept my head down as I walked to make it easier not to look at everyone I passed. 

"Miss Stanford? You're earlier than usual. Is everything alright dear?" Mrs. Lemon asked as I took my seat in the back. I nodded my head and pulled Bewitched out again, forgetting about everything. 

Warner wrote down the address of the cast party. "Got it." "See you there, hottie," Lisette said. We never made it though. We were halfway there, Warner casting me hurt looks because, apparently, he actually believed Lisette's b.s. about me being ashamed of him, when I got a text from Mother. I stared at the phone, barely able to read the words because of the shadows of trees through the window, but when I did read it, I had to read it again and again. Finally Warner saw me staring at it and said, "What's wrong?" "Hospitol," I choked out. "My father's had a heart attack." 

I read, tears starting to blur my vision. stupid book. making me cry during school. But I knew it wasnt only the book. I'd grown up without a father, I'd only ever had a mother, and I hated her. It was all her fault my father was gone. Her and her stupid jobs got him shot and I would never forgive her.

I slammed the book shut and shoved it in my bag, wiping the tears from my eyes. A tap on my shoulder startled me, making me jump. I turned to the voice to find it was the guy from earlier. "Yes?" I asked hesitantly. "Are you alright?" I look at him wide eyed like he was insane.

"Yes. Why would you think I'm not?" He looked at me and the at the ground, blushing softly."Sorry. Never mind." He walked away before I could say anything else. ....well ok then. Note to self, learn his name. Students filed into the room, taking their seats and talking to friends.

Mrs. Lemon looked up and counted heads, because taking role was useless with all these kids. They would just ignore her and keep talking so she thought ounting heads was easier. Her sight landed on the locker boy and she smiled curiously.

"Helllo! You must be new here, why don't you tell everyone your name and something you like." He gave her an 'areyoufreakingseriousiamnotakindergardenerwoman' look but still stood up. "My name is Liam King and I liek dipping my fries in a chocolate smoothie before eating them."

He smiled sarcastically and sat down. I smiled at his comment but hid my face when he saw me and smiled back. It's going to be a bit hard to ignore this one. I thought. After class he walked with me to my locker. I looked at him confused but he just smiled so I let it slide.

"Hey, um are you busy after school?" Liam asked hopefully. "Oh yeah. I'm super busy for a while, Sorry!! Maybe some other time." I smiled apologeticaly and walked to my next class. At the end of school, I'd found that Liam was in 4 out of 7 of my classes. 

Yupp, definetly going to be hard. I fell on my bed and stared at the cieling, wondering what to do.I really didn't have anything to do but I'd just met him and I didn't want him or anyone to think I'm desperate or easy.

I stood and walked over to my window, climbing out onto the roof. Me and my dad used to come up here all the time when I was 6. We would talk for hours, laughing and pointing out cloud animals. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, thinking of my best friend.


Alright, still sort of got writers block but I hope this wasn't too bad. I'm hoping I can go further with this sotry cause I love it. But I want to know what you all think, so please pleasee comment and vote! Help me out! Thanks!!!!!! xoxo -Jo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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