Happy days

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It was all red.

Red coated my vision

That all I can see.

There is nothing else but red. It was on the floor, on my legs, my face, the sink. That's all there seemed to be. I don't know how it got to this point. But here I was, standing in my locked bathroom covered in the red.

I can remember the day when I told myself that I wouldn't let it get to this point. Yet here I am, trapped in my own home with this monster. I can remember when he used to be the love of my life, remember when they cared about me, remember when they were all on my side, remember when she was still alive. But the times have changed.

I turned on my sink and watched the red slip down the drain. I got a towel and started to whip my legs and face off. I can now see my nose and under eyes. I can see the deep slits on my thighs and cavil.

My nose is swollen and my left eye will definitely be bruised by tomorrow. My legs will get infected if I don't clean them probably. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol from under the sink and pour it on my legs.

It burned but it was nothing I haven't dealt with before. I continued pour it on than rinse them in the bathtub.

After wrapping them with ace bandages I when back to the mirror to check my nose. It wasn't anything that ice couldn't help.

The floor was still covers in my blood but I'm not focused on cleaning that right now. I had to make sure that the cost was clear to leave the room. I put my ear to the door and waited for a sound of anger or rage. When non came, I took that as a sign of a small time window flee the area. I opened the door and quickly yet quietly ran to our room.

I grabbed a bag from my closet and started filling it with clothes. This wouldn't be my first time trying to escape, but somehow they always find me.

I grabbed the shoe box from the back of the closet and opened it to find at least 300 dollars. I always save up for these kinds of emergencies. The way I get it isn't fun but it gives me the money to eat and save up.

I zipped up the bag and put it over my shoulder. I went to the top of the stares to see if anyone was waiting for me.

He was sitting there, not facing me. I didn't know if he was sleeping or not. But I was about to find out.

The tv was on and I heard what he was potentially watching

This is your emergency news broadcast

Alexander Collec age 23
was last seen with a man unknown to his family, but was identified as
Max Hemming age 27

Max Hemming is an escaped mental institution patient
Last seen at the hospital 8 months ago

Alexander was last seen 5 month ago

If you have any whereabouts of 23 year old Alexander Collec
Please alert the local authorities immediately

As I stepped on the stares, I kept an eye on him just in case I had to run for one of the three exits. 

As I got to the last step, it creaked.

My fears came true as he slowly turned his head to look at me. As soon as we made eye contact, I ran for the back door.

My heart was pumping out of my chest as he started to scream my name and run after me.

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