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Hello there!!

I'm [Y/N] !!

My story isn't like a normal school girl's...

I'm not living a normal life...

I'm living...

With vampires.

My story was normal. I was living a normal life, with normal people around me. But suddenly one day... Everything changed.

Everyone started to bully me. Why you may ask? Hell I know... No one gave me any reasons why... Never...

I had enough of everything so I ran away. Can you believe it? I didn't even pack anything with me!! I wanted to get away as fast as possible...

I ran for so long that my legs just so suddenly gave up and I fell onto the so cold and wet ground, making my school uniform all dirty, wet and stingy...

I raised my head up and realised I was inside of a forest so dark, that it was almost impossible to see what was going on around you further than two meters.

I tried to raise myself and slowly tried to find the exit. As I saw a light that was coming from between the trees, I walked faster to it, leaning against some trees from time to time to hold my balance.

As I raised my head up from the ground, I saw a massive... And I mean massive mansion... I crossed the road and walked up to the gate of it.

As I wanted to open it, the door of the gate opened them self's. I took a step back so it couldn't hit me.

I walked inside. The gardens that were visible from the entry were so beautiful... The fountain that was standing there too was very beautiful... With so many details craved on it...

I walked further inside while watching a bit around. How did I end up here you may ask? I have no clue... But maybe someone will help me... If someone is here at all...

I walked over to the massive door and knocked on it slowly, but hardly. No answer. I decided to knock again. Still no answers.

After a while I just decided to come in. It was open. I looked around curiously. Is so quiet... Dose anyone live here anyways? I didn't know...

I walked a bit further inside--


I jumped slightly and stopped in my tracks. I raised my head slowly to the stairs where the voice came from. I saw a red haired boy... With so deep, sparkly and green eyes... They were so beautiful... They still are!!

He looked at me confused but at the same time curiously.

"Who let you in?"

I just stood there, watching him as I continued to watch him in the eyes... Since I totally lost myself in them. I shook my head quickly and after looked at him.

"No one... The door was open so I let myself in... I'm sorry to bothe-"
"Who the hell are you anyway?"

He looked at me with a frown on his face, his eyebrows furrowed.

"[Y-y/n] [L-L/N] S-sir..."

He raised his brow at looked at me. He looked at my body from head to toes and after back at my face.

"E-Excuse me?!"
"Tch. Just shut up. I can call you whatever I want."
"I would appreciate if you wouldn't call me like that!--"
"What is the meaning of this."

A voice from the top of the stairs said. I looked over at the person talking. I saw a boy with glasses and brown hair, almost walking into dark gray... He looked over at me with an emotionless face.

"I-I'm sorry for this... I-I got lost and-"

I jumped up slightly, taking some steps behind me when I heard a weak but soft voice from behind me. I saw a boy with a... Teddy bear...? With light violet hair and violet eyes...

"Kanato you can't come up on a lady like this~"

I turned around quickly as I heard another voice, this time, chuckling. This time I saw a boy with a hat... Red hair that were a bit more orange than the first boy's that I saw... But he had the same green eyes. Maybe a bit lighter. And not so deep...

" What is this all about!? You're making so much noice!"

I squealed and jumped aside as I heard that strong and manly voice, plus a wall breaking. I leaned against one of the columns, a bit terrified from everything.


The boy with glasses spoke.

"Let's go to the living room and resolve everything."

Everyone nodded their heads, and walked towards the living room I suppose... I followed after them, since I bet or I'm sure of it... That is my fault everyone gathered  at the stair case in front of the entry.

As everyone sat down. I was just standing there. Apart the boy with glasses, that was standing beside one of the couches. He pushed his glasses up and began to speak.

"First of all I want to know who you are and what you are doing at our mansion."

He looked over at me and I nodded my head slowly.

"I'm [Y/N] [L/N] ... I-I got lost and I somehow ended up at your mansion sir..."
"Tch. Pathetic."
"Fine fine... I'm shutting up..."
"Okay. So you got lost. And you suddenly ended up here. Seriously. Where is your home?"
"I... I don't know--"

Before I finished my sentence, he clapped his hands and suddenly, some maids popped up. I jumped up slightly and looked around me quickly.

"You'll stay here then. The maids will take care of you further."
"Ah but I wanted to play with the B¡tch-Chan~"

Before I realised, the boy with the hat was already behind me, with his arms warped around my waist and I tried to get away, but he only pulled me to him more.

"Laito-Kun... Don't take her all for yourself..."

Said the purple haired boy, suddenly he too were beside me and he licked so slowly under my ear, leaving many shivers run down my spine. I got away finally from both of them. Hitting the so hard and cold floor, hitting my elbow so it started to bleed slightly. I hissed as I raised myself and looked at them terrified.

The red haired boy that I saw first on the stair case, smirked as he liked his lips as he raised himself and ran his fingers through his hair and walked slowly over to me.

"But I must say... Your blood smells delicious... ~"

I looked over at every one of them, seeing their eyes glow so... Not naturally... My eyes widen in shock when I understood what they were...


This is pretty much how I ended up at their mansion... I must say I do feel comfortable here, apart them sucking my blood most of the times... Most Ayato tho... And there is Shuu and Reiji too... Shuu too drinks my blood but not as often as the others. Subaru too. And Reiji, he dosen't do that at all actually. Just very veeeery not often. The one that drinks most from me is Laito, Kanato and Ayato. Most Ayato of course... But... I don't... Feel like... I actually mind him doing that...

Bloody Romance (Ayato Sakamaki x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now