Hello, Stranger (Chapter 1)

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(IT WILL ALWAYS BE VIVIANS POV from, an evil author.)

It was another day at the orphange- oh wait. You're probably wondering who I am, why I'm at the orphanage, and my age. Well, I'm Vivian. I'm 14 years old, and let me tell you a short story about why I'm here. My parents were abusive. I have bruises, scars, wounds, etc. They got tired of me, soooooo yeah. Anyways, it was another day in this horrible place. Since I was the oldest, I had to do the chores that the ladies were supposed to do. It sucked, but they gave me money. $5 for each chore. I had saved up $20 and decided to spend it. I went downstairs to the front desk, to ask to leave. I was hoping that Mrs. Landtrip was at the front desk. Boy was I wrong. It was my least favorite, Ms. Rita. She seriously thinks Fiona is the sweetest child, but all Fiona does it pick on me. "Ms.Rita. Can I go spend my $20 dollars?" I asked politely. "Sure, maybe you'll look less ugly." She responded. Hey, at least I get to go. I was walking to the store, and on the way, I decided to sit on one of the benches at the park. When I sat down, I seen mothers and fathers playing with their children. I have to admit, I was jealous. I looked to my right, and seen two men arguing, and two men trying to stop them. Then, I looked back over to the families playing, and I started to cry. Then, Fiona walks into the park with an adult holding her hand. Must've gotten adopted. She noticed me, and was calling me names, etc. She was about to punch me, but before she could, she punched herself, leaving a mark. She started to cry, causing her new mom to walk over. Her mom was about to slap me, but before she could, a man in a red hoodie walked over. "Excuse me," he said. "This child didn't do anything." "Prove it." She said, waiting for a response. He showed her video evidence. Fiona got on trouble. Finally. "Thank you." I told him, while crying. "Thank you..." "You're welcome." He responded. "Where are your parents?" He asked. Before I could tell him, Ms.Rita came outta no where, and grabbed me by my shirt. "YOU. YOU GOT ME FIRED." She said, scaring me. She then noticed the man with a red hoodie behind me, and dropped me. He then pointed a gun to her head, and told her "you have FIVE seconds to leave." She then took off running. I look behind the man, seeing his friends. They noticed him over here with me, so they walked over. They were asking him questions. Something along the lines of, 'who is she?' 'Are you friends?' He then explained everything. I told them I had to leave, and walked to the orphanage. Little did I know, I was being followed...

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