Chapter I : Lets get started

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I awaken to my heart racing, my palms sweaty, and yet.. my skin felt as cold as ice. " Why won't they leave me alone!" I scream into the dark room I lay in. This is not the first time having dreams like this, and lately.. it seems they may become my reality soon enough. "Those dreams just keep pounding themselves into my head" I slowly speak out as I lift myself from my bed. I look over to my clock to see it's only 1:30 a.m I can't help but think to myself, quietly debating in my head if I should try to sleep again. " Maybe they won't come back tonight.. Or maybe they will finally succeed." They always come close but I always happen to wake up just before the end. In the end, and after about twenty minutes of arguing with myself, I finally decide I should go back to sleep. I slowly lay down, wrap myself up in blankets, and begin to close my eyes as I slip away to the world within my mind. "It is time." A voice bellows within my head. I slowly wander around lost and confused. I keep walking trying to find a wall or something to catch my bearings, but there is nothing around it seems. I continue to slowly walk around hoping i'm not walking in circles. " Where am I? What is this place? " I say aloud into the darkness. Suddenly I can hear something besides my footsteps, it seems to be the sound of chain links rattling together or being dragged across a rugged surface. " the sound is coming from behind me." I think to myself as i slowly turn around to follow the sound. Though it seems as I turn the sound follows behind my head, always evading my vision. The sound seems to come closer, surrounding my head, it becomes louder. "It's to much, make it stop!" I scream as I fall to my knees. The sound gets quiet, I slowly take my hands off my ears.. " Blood?!" I say with panic, then I stop. "I can't hear myself talk?" I look down at my blood stained hands as I think to myself.. " What should I do? What can I do..?" I slowly try to get back on my feet, but as I do out of the corner of my eye I see light. " Finally a way out." I think to myself as I quickly rush towards the light. I get closer and closer and the light gets brighter. I push myself through what seems like a doorway. " I'm in a field?" Slowly I look around and notice the doorway I came through and any trace of the room were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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