The Beginning of the End

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"To appeal to them. Blood must be spilled by the victims.
First by the fire. Then by the creatures of your mind. And finally by the blade and bullet."

I remember some of it...
I dont remember the fire.. in the dream.. I was asleep..
I dont remember who was with me.
I remember one being dragged away.. screaming. Tearing at the ground. I tried to help them. I really did....

I watched someone almost take their life at the hands of those simple words.. i wish i could remember the faces. And who they were.

The night began..
The air smelled different. The sky was much lighter than usual.

Something crept out of the forest. Jagged arms outstretched passed its body length. Metal rods stuck through parts of his torso and neck. Then came the scream. Tha blood curlling gut wrenching scream.. i thought something was dying.

Then it ran right at us...
Then more came. Each looking more deformed than the last. Each with different characteristics that made these all different creatures..

Some had no mouth.
Some had four arms.
Some had eyes plastered on their hands and the holes in their head were empty..
They all came at us...

We tried the best we could...
But they got one of us..

Then one of them started talking..
"You can end this all.. with the blade."
We ignored it and kept running and trying to keep them away...
We came to an open field...
They crawled out of the tall grass from all around us. We had no where else to go.
They spoke again..
"Use the blade and one of you shall live."
The person i was with( this is why i hate that i cant remember who they were or what they looked like...)
Decided to steal the knife i had when i was fixated on what the creature said..

They looked to me and said..
" go on. No need for us both to die here."
Then um..
Slide the knife across part of their throat... i tried to grab it away. I managed to do it.. but they were dying now and in pain...
Then the creatures came closer...
One of them threw a gun to the ground near us...

"The bullet shall save you and your friend."
Before i could do anything my friend grabbed it and pointed it to their head "this is the only way." They told me..

Just as they went to pull the trigger i grabbed the gun. It went off and hit my arm.
The second time i couldnt stop them...
I wanted to get up...
But i was paralyzed from the pain..
They held the gun under their chin.
Then one of the creatures spoke..
" we will see you next night. Let us have fun again."
Then the creatures limped into the dark.
Then my vision started to go blurry...
Then it was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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