Prank Day

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Alice's POV

I walked into school like any other day. Today was prank day and the guys picking the prank this year. I was walking when I heard yells of "STOP!" coming from a classroom. I opened the door scared to see what was going on. Their was a boy tied up in a chair getting picked on.

"Guys what's going on?" I almost whispered

"This is our Prank. We took Farkle Minkus from JQA Middle School." Derek said he was the most popular guy in school. Of course Smakle had to be sick today of all days.

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked scared of the response.

"We're going to make a slime mixture in the Chem Lab. Can you watch him?" he asked

"Sure." I don't know why I would say that. Smakle would kill me if she found out I was keeping her crush captive. They put a sock in his mouth and left. Once they left I took it out of his mouth.

"Sorry about this. My name is Alice."

"It's not your fault but you can let me go."

"If I do I'm going to get yelled at by them."

"I get it but pleeaaassseeeeee."

"Why do I care, the year is almost over and he won't be at my school next year." I started to untie him

"Where are you going?"

"Abigail Adams."

"same." I finished untying him

"See you around" and he dashed out of the room.

I ran off to my first period class before they got back.

Farkle's POV

I was walking back to the school Alice seemed like a nice person after all she helped me escape, when my friends didn't save me. I walked into Mr. Matthew's class.

"Why did nobody save me?!"

"We did for like 5 minutes then we took the goose." Riley said

There sitting on my desk the Einstein mascot. Went up to it.

"No one can replace Farkle. Farkle is one of a kind. HEEH!"

It did right back

"You don't know me, you don't know anything about me."

After class I grabbed the goose and headed over to Einstein Academy to return the goose.

Alice's POV

I was walking to the library returning a stack of books so tall I could barely see over them. I was walking very slow when someone crashes into me. Somehow my glasses fall and I'm blind without them.

"Whose their I can't see." I muttered

"Oh sorry it's me Farkle I just returned the goose."

"It's fine can you hand me my glasses I'm blind without them."

He hands the to me I put them on.

"Much better."

We started to collect the books I picked a few up.

"Do you need help?"


He took half them and we started walking to the library.

"So...your name's Alice."

"Yeah I'm named after the scientist Alice Hamilton."

"That's really cool. I've never meet another Farkle."

"You're the first Farkle I've ever met." He blushed a bit.

"We're here. I can take the books you probably have to get to class."

"Yeah..." he added his books to mine and opened the door.

"Thanks. See you next year."

"Yeah. See you next year."

I walked into the library. I started to put the books back. I was wondering why Farkle would come with me and talk the entire time. He kept asking me questions. It was odd. Smakle is going to be so mad she wasn't at school today. Smakle had a cold.

After a long day at school I headed over to Smakle's house. I walked up the stairs to her room.

"Hey Smakle."

"Hey." She sounded very stuffed up. I went searching for my bag. I took a medical mask out.

"Much better. I don't want to get sick."

"Smart. What did I miss at school?"

"I meet...." I mumble the last part.



"What about him?"

"I meet Farkle."

"What?! How?!"

"Well that was the class prank and I had to watch him and I let him go. Later on he came back with the mascot. We talk when he helped me take books to the library."

"Lucky. Well do you like?"

"I do... not in that why though."

"I believe you. I'm so excited we're going to the same school as him next year. Maybe we'll all have classes together and become friends."

"Yeah, maybe. What did you do all day?"

"I watch documentaries. I got to learn about Big Bang for the hundredth time."

"That's fun. Want to watch it again."


We watch the documentary that was like an hour long. It was like our 3 time watching it. Tomorrow was our last day. I went home and picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Then I went to sleep.

The next day went by really fast we got our yearbooks and we got them signed. I got mine signed by my favorite teachers. I didn't have that many friends. I really only had Smakle. Once the day was over me and Smakle went swimming at her house and then I went home. We don't really do sleepovers or anything. We like to stay in our own beds. I stayed up late doing my summer homework. I read around 150 pages in my first book. I still had two more and essays on them and then math work and some review packets I'm doing for fun for science. This should be one of my better summers. I'm ready for high school just scared of the unknown but I'll have Smakle by my side so it'll go fine.

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