Day 12

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Friday May 18th, 2018
Approximately 165 days to go
The day was quick. At least the work day. I was off at noon but I couldn't find my way home. So I went to the mall. I went to the mall and i just walked around for hours. I bought a pair of shorts to replace the ones I lost. I looked at dresses and bought food. It was time to go home. I went home and waited. I waited till it was time to go. Until I had to leave for therapy. When I got there I waited some more two hours worth of wait. And finally it was my turn. I talked about different things that were going on like my mother's insanity and him leaving. I talked about my drivers test and how I had failed for driving to slow which was ridiculous. I talked a lot. I came home and i spoke to him and i ate ice cream and that was it. That was my day. So simple and boring.

Days gone: 4

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